Fitness Journey Timeline

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From Day 1 until the present, this is where I have been & what I did… starting body fat percentage was around 26-27%.

  • Weeks 1 to 8: 100% clean eating (ZERO processed food, lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, protein powders, homemade nut butters, chicken breasts) & Insanity Asylum (45 minute cardio)/5 days per week .  VERY little weight training using low weights/high reps.  I gained 5 pounds during this time span.  Body fat 25%.
  • Weeks 9 to 14: 100% clean (ZERO processed food, lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, protein powders, homemade nut butters, chicken breasts).  I stopped doing Insanity Asylum and started doing more weight training, 5-6 days per week.  I incorporated heavier and heavier weight any chance I could.  HIIT cardio (20-30 minutes)/ 3-4 days per week.  Weight remained the same but body finally began to appear and feel much more lean.  Body fat 22%.
  • Weeks 15:  I began to track my macros (calories=carbs, protein, & fat) eating at maintenance level, started to eat more “regular”/non “clean” foods such as cereal, wheat buns, regular pasta, etc.  I also cut dairy at this time due to constant stomach aches and bloating.  I continued heavy weight training, HIIT cardio  (20 minutes)/2-3 days per week.  I lost 1-2 pounds.  Body fat 20%.
  • Week 16-19: Increased overall caloric intake to 150 calories OVER maintenance, carbs began to climb from 175 grams per day to 205 grams per day (protein went down, fats stayed the same).  More “unclean”foods introduced such as BBQ/other sauces, dairy free ice cream, hamburgers/sliders, pita chips, sausages, bacon, etc.  Weight trained 5 days per week, heavy.  Main cardio was done on the stair master (20 minutes) 2 days per week.  Body fat 19%.
  • Week 20-21: Increased calories again to 300 calories OVER maintenance, carbs raised to 235 (protein went down, fats stayed the same).  Weight trained 5 days per week, heavy.  Introduced a glute only & plyo day into the training schedule.  ONE cardio session (20 minutes) EACH week because I realized I was beginning to lose some muscle (more weight).  I was able to eat out with my family without giving the waiter a list of things to take off or add to my meal and I even had my first POP-TART in years!  I felt liberated.  I felt like a cloud had been lifted and I didn’t have the weight of making sure everything I ate all day long was completely “clean”.  I no longer had to fear ANY foods.  I was 100% fueling my body according to my goals and ensuring it was done properly for long term maintenance.  Body fat 18.5%.
  • Month 6: Made the decision to begin a structured reverse diet & cutting diet with a prep coach.  You can find my journal HERE.
  • Months 6-9SLOWLY began to add more calories into my daily/weekly macros to build strength, muscle, and repair any metabolic issues.  I continued to lift as heavy as I could and began a power/hypertrophy training split, little to no cardio.  Body fat 19% after reaching 2300 calories and over 320 grams of carbs.
  • Months 10-12:  Official “diet” cutting phase where calories were SLOWLY decreased every week/two weeks.  Body fat 16% at the end of this phase.


After I wrapped up my first official diet, I reverse dieted for approximately 5 months, then dieted again until November 2014.  My plan going into 2015 was to reverse diet and eat slightly above maintenance.  Once I got my calories there, I would stop tracking and eat “intuitively” indefinitely.


For nearly all of 2015, I ate “intuitively” (not tracking macros/calories, didn’t wear a heart rate monitor or weigh myself or take measurements or checked my body fat.  I lived and trained each day based on how I felt.  As a result of the journey outlined here on my blog and everything I have learned over the course of 3 years, I know I have been equipped with enough knowledge and confidence to strictly just live a “healthy” life.  Each and every day I’m only doing things I love, staying active, practicing moderation, lifting hard & heavy, and eating a wide variety of foods that make my body (and tastebuds) happy. I still do not believe in “good” or “bad” foods or foods that are magical or hold “super powers”.  My fitness journey began two years ago, but I assure you that it is ongoing and constantly changing… personally, I think it just keeps getting better ad better!

Life is about loving the skin you are in, loving the person you see in the mirror, and balance… that’s exactly the path I am confidently on!

In September of 2015, I was diagnosed with an extremely rare spinal disease.  You can read more about that HERE.  Upon diagnoses, I immediately cut back my calories and began eating at maintenance.  My goals were to simply be as active as my body allowed each day. I rarely know how I will feel when I wake up each morning, what will hurt, if I will be able to pick up my daughter from school or make dinner.  Each day brings new challenges now and I hope to find a new “normal” soon.  I continue to create recipes, preach about flexible dieting, balance, and moderation with all things in life.  One day I hope to return to training and although I know it will NEVER be the same, I will take pride in however big or little my progress is!

Corina Nielsen- This is Me

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