
Creatine For Women

June 30, 2015
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If you are anything like me, just hearing the word “creatine”, you are either thinking to yourself A. What the heck is that? OR B. Yeah, I’ve heard of it but would NEVER take it because that’s only for men!  Most women would also add they would never take creatine because they don’t want to get big, bulky, or gain a bunch of extra water weight.

Is Creatine For Women?

Up until about 6 months ago, I was definitely in that second category.  Being a female, I would have absolutely ZERO need to incorporate creatine into my daily routine!  Boy was I wrong AND if I could go back a year when I really started to focus on building muscle and body recomposition… I would in a heart beat!!!  Everything that I originally thought creatine was used for was almost entirely WRONG!

As it turns out, creatine is probably one of the most underutilized sports supplements available (especially by women).  Coincidentally it also happens to be one supplement on the market that has decades of extensive research now to back up it’s claims.  I was honestly under the impression that the only reason anyone would take it was because it helped to grow your muscles (like to get HUGE).  While that is partially true to an extent I suppose, creatine has far more benefits than that alone!  Furthermore, the last time I ‘selfied’, I didn’t think I looked “manly” or “huge” or too “bulky”.  All I see is increased lean muscle mass (been working HARD for my gains) and a more “toned” up body.  Slowly but surely building the body that I have always wanted!


Nope, I still don’t think I look manly and I’ve been taking creatine now for 6 months straight!

Ready to take a closer look at my new favorite supplement?

Let’s do it!!!

What exactly is creatine & what is it used for?

Basically, it’s a substance already present in our bodies!  It’s a blend of amino acids that are transported in our blood by an ATP (active transport system) and used by our muscles.  Our skeletal muscles actually store 95% of the creatine in our bodies.  Makes total sense why it’s a supplement used widely by those who strength train and are looking to to build muscle huh?

What are the benefits of creatine?

Having more creatine in our muscles allows us to push/pull weights with more force/energy and do more work.  More work=more growth (obviously your nutritional needs for your goals need to be met as well.)  So my original thoughts were obviously correct, but what I didn’t know was that there are other benefits to taking creatine!

Aside from women who are looking to gain lean body mass ( A.K.A “toning”… still hate that word), individuals who perform high intensity interval training (HIIT) could greatly benefit from adding creatine into their supplement regime.  Since creatine allows you to produce more energy, more energy will allow you to push you through your interval sets and improve your overall athletic performance.  Same principles go for individuals who run long distances.  Creatine could help push you through the fatigue that will eventually set in during those long distance runs.

Another benefit of taking creatine is muscle recovery.  This is something HUGE for me.  I remember for the first year or so of my journey, I was sore nearly EVERY single day.  Regardless of how much I stretched or foam rolled, took hot baths, or soaked myself in Epsom, I was guaranteed to have sore muscles.  I always found it difficult to figure out what muscle group to train on any particular day because it seemed I was always sore somewhere.  Initially, that got me excited (sore=hard work=progress) but after awhile, it simply just got annoying.  Fast forward to 6 months ago when I decided to start taking creatine.  I have noticed a PROFOUND difference in not only the level of soreness my body has, but also in recovery time.  Last year after training legs, I would be sore for 2-4 days (so sore I could barely walk down the stairs).  Now my muscles will feel tight and sore, but only for 1-2 days and then I’m good to go.  This is huge for me since I lower body 2-3 times per week!

The last benefit I see from creatine is helping with muscle retention.  I think one of the biggest mistakes I made while in my last dieting phase was not taking creatine.  I remember during the course of my 15 week cut, I felt like the muscles I had worked so hard for were simply just deflating before my eyes.  During any dieting phase/cut, it’s almost inevitable that there will be some muscle loss because your body certainly isn’t taking in the amount of calories to build muscle, let alone maintain muscle.  Creatine can help to preserve that hard earned muscle!  If/when I ever decide to do another dieting phase, creatine will be taken DAILY!  I will not make that mistake again!!!

To read more about this article, please visit the “I’m Pretty Fit” blog found HERE!!!

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  • Reply
    July 2, 2015 at 7:16 pm

    Hi Corina,

    I was so happy to read your post on creatine today as I have been weight training for three months now, and could not figure out if I needed to incorporate it in my repertoire or not…you have totally helped me 110% today and thanks! Going to order some pronto now.

  • Reply
    September 2, 2015 at 9:39 pm

    Hi! Out of curiosity how much do you spend a month for supplements/vitamins/gym membership etc (all but the food). Im trying to figure what is a “normal” cost I can assume to incure.

  • Reply
    September 2, 2015 at 9:45 pm

    I just posted above but I think I found my answer as I kept reading more articles in your blog 🙂

  • Reply
    Jake White
    September 6, 2015 at 2:47 pm

    the good old myth. Good to see fresh thinking on this topic. Creatine for women is a great addition!

  • Reply
    October 12, 2015 at 1:00 am

    When should you take Creatine? Pre/Post workout?

    • Reply
      October 12, 2015 at 4:06 pm

      It doesn’t really matter when you take it as long as you are consistent! Personally I take mine post workout though!

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