
Keto Strawberry Chia Seed Jelly

February 17, 2018
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‘With only 3 simple ingredients, this delicious keto friendly strawberry chia seed jam will soon become your new favorite low carb bread topper!’

I have a confession to make.  It’s true that being on a ketogenic diet does remove quite a few foods from your diet and at a year and a half into this way of eating there are not many foods that I actually miss.  It was easy to give up breads, pastries, traditional baked goods, pasta, and grains.  I honestly do not crave these things at all (never did I ever think I would say that).  However, one thing that I do really really miss eating is simple toast with jelly.  I know that must sound so strange because its just so plain right?  It’s absolutely true though.

So, I already took care of the bread issue early on in my keto journey and now after tinkering with this strawberries and chia seeds, I have no idea why in the world it took me so long to come up with a keto friendly, low carb jam.  Literally this might be one of the easiest and fool proof recipes ever.

Taste, consistency, and texture almost identical to store-bought jellies and jam… MINUS the added refined sugar and those extra carbs of course!  In less than 10 minutes you (and I) can be well on our way to one of the most basic snacks or breakfast sides known to man.  This is certainly going to become a part of my regular weekly meal & food prep as well.  It stores beautifully in the fridge up to two weeks (I’ve already gone through my first batch though in about 5 days).

No need for any funny ingredients.  Just 3 simple ones that you probably have in your pantry already or can easily grab at any supermarket:

  1. strawberries
  2. chia seeds
  3. keto friendly sweetener such as Lakanto or Swerve

I know a lot of people on a ketogenic diet avoid fruit completely, but ultimately this is just one of those personal decisions that we make to accommodate our own personal ways of eating.  I love keto, love what it has done for my health, but there is not a chance in hell that I could go the rest of my life without having fruit… especially strawberries which I adore so much.  Fortunately strawberries are such a great low carb fruit option AND also happen to be perfect for jelly.  With less than 1 NET CARB per tablespoon of this type of jelly/jam you can rest assured that you can have a serving or two of this and still remain perfectly in a ketogenic state.

Regardless of how low the carbs are on this strawberry chia seed jelly though, I’m in.  All in.  Like I said, I have no idea why it took me so long to try this simple recipe, but now I have officially found a way to enjoy my simple toast and jelly every single day if I wanted to!


Keto Strawberry Chia Seed Jelly

Serving Size 1 tablespoon
Per Serving
Calories 12 kcal
Protein 1g
Total Carbohydrate 2g
Fibre 1g


  • 1 cup roughly chopped strawberries
  • 3 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon Lakanto monk fruit sweetener or sweetener of choice


Step 1
Add ingredients to a small pot and heat under low/medium heat. Stir and cook for 10 minutes until all liquid is absorbed and strawberries have broken down. Adjust sweetener to taste.


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  • Reply
    Persis Balsara
    April 3, 2018 at 1:53 am

    Can you use frozen strawberry in the jam.

    • Reply
      April 12, 2018 at 3:17 am

      I’m pretty sure you can! Great idea!!!

  • Reply
    May 16, 2018 at 9:25 am

    For the sweetener – do we use granulated form or powdered?

    • Reply
      May 29, 2018 at 9:27 pm

      Granulated will work! I do like liquid stevia too though and you would use about 1 dropper full.

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