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Stocking Up at Dick’s Sporting Goods: #DSGFit4U Part 1

July 30, 2015
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** Interested in winning a $25 gift card of your very own to Dick’s Sporting Goods???  Well, I’m giving one away this weekend!!!  Be sure to read the details at the end of this post!   **

Some people turn to food when things in their lives’ aren’t going quite as planned or simply just aren’t having a good day.  Food makes them feel better, it comforts them, and helps to reset their minds.  While I definitely love food and eating, my ‘drug’ of choice is either working out OR  retail therapy!  Better yet, buying things FOR working out!  You will rarely ever see me stocking up on fancy purses, jewelry, high heel shoes, or make up.  I much rather buy clothes to work out in and/or equipment for our growing ‘home gym’!  It had been awhile since my husband and I invested in some equipment for our garage, but I felt like we were long overdue.  Since Dick’s is the closest sporting goods store to us, we figured we would check it out and pick up a few things!


Before we hit the weights and fitness equipment, all those gorgeous clothes were calling my name.First stop?  Nike of course!  DUH!  It just so happens to be the very first section you see when you walk into our Dick’s Sporting Goods store!



So many pretty colors and patterns!  I’ve always been a huge fan of Nike.  Aside from the shoes I train in for lower body work, the ONLY tennis shoes I wear are Nike’s.  I love them, I can always count on them to fit & feel right, and the selection is always great.  I only have a few articles of Nike clothing, so on this particular shopping adventure… new gear was going to be  a must!


Next up was Under Armour & Reebok!  Truth be told, as much as I love Nike for my tennis shoes, Under Armour clothes (specifically the shorts, crops, and pants) fit my particular body far better.  Nike shorts either fit me too small or too big… I always feel like a kid in between sizes haha! Under Armour I can always count on though for bottoms.  They ALWAYS fit me like a glove!  And Reebok, oh Reebok!  I fell in love with all of the new tanks they had!  I may have 20 pairs of plain black crops and pants, BUT I have about a hundred different tank tops in every color under the rainbow.  I LOVE tanks with cute quotes and fitness lingo!  If I didn’t grab bottoms, I knew I would end up with at least 1-2 new tops!



A couple of dressing room selfies… it’s a must!


Didn’t fall madly in love with those two outfits and the other things I tried on from ‘women’s’ Nike didn’t quite fit (I figured they wouldn’t though). However, before throwing in the towel on clothes, I thought I would swing by the ‘kids’ Nike section first.  Initially I was only looking for my daughter, but being someone who is #funsized (only 5′ tall), maybe just maybe an XL here might fit me?!  Why not?  If it fits, wear it!!!  My husband thinks it hilarious that my 9 year old and I can shop in the same clothing section. You should see when he does our laundry!  Our clothes are ALWAYS mixed in together lol!  XL for me and S for the little!


After more dressing room shenanigans with my kids Nike gear, I hit up the shoes… I may not like heels, but get me around some tennis shoes and I get all weak in the knees!  Like I said earlier, Nike of course… and I’m a sucker for all things brightly colored!



With a new outfit and fresh kicks in hand, I finally hit up the section I had actually come to see in the first place!  Fitness & exercise!!!!  For fitness chicks like myself, this is like being in a candy store!  Just looking at this section, my heart skips a beat (or two)… so many possibilities, so many hours of training, so much progress to be had, so many gains to be made!


Weights, dumbbells, heavy equipment, resistance bands, boxing gear, foam rollers, mats… you need to stock up on a few things for a home gym?  This area will get you off to a GREAT start!  I’m proof that you don’t necessarily need a gym membership and equipment to get a good workout in.  I train at home 95% of the time now.  The only days I go to the actual gym are on certain lower body days where I need the big equipment like the leg press.  A rack, bar, bench, and some dumbbells will work perfectly especially for those just getting serious about their fitness and training.  Once you master a few exercises and proper form, you can build your program AND home gym equipment as you need to!

So as it turned out, Dick’s ended up having two of the main things my husband and I had been wanting for a LONG time.  A prowler/sled and a new rack for our dumbbells.  We were actually getting ready to buy these items online last week, but now I’m glad we waited!  Unfortunately though, I was hesitant to buy the prowler at Dick’s because I wanted to test the size and shape out first.  I’ve used a few other sleds in the past and they were all slightly different from one another.  Again, being as short as I am, I wanted to make sure the equipment felt “right” to me.  I was so sad to find out they didn’t have one on display at our store.  The last thing I wanted to have happen was buying it, taking it home, building it, it not feeling like a good fit, and then not being able to return it.  That would NOT be fun.

LUCKILY though… my new buddy ‘Art’ came to the rescue and was more than willing to accommodate my needs!  I casually asked if the store had plans to build one for display and when he said “No, I don’t think so.” my heart sank.  Art must have felt my pain because just as he was turning away, he came back and said even though he was super busy that particular day, he could put one together for me the FOLLOWING day!!!!  YES!!!!!  Words can’t express how thankful I am for his help and willingness to go out of his way for little old me.

Big up’s to my man Art!!!!


Obviously I couldn’t test the prowler out completely, but having it assembled gave me a really good idea if it was something I really wanted to invest in or not.  I may not be doing any formal cardio right now during my current building phase, but this piece of equipment might just come in very handy next year!  I’m not a fan of using any machines for cardio and you will NEVER catch me doing steady state anything so something like a prowler/sled is perfect to use at home.  If I need something intense for HIIT, I can add on plates/weights and go for shorter bursts of effort.  If I need something a little more moderate, I take off the weights and go for a slightly longer stretch of area.  If I need to change things up even more for variety, I can use the straps to pull the sled.  Or I can do a combination of things that will hit and target different areas and goals!  This is a GREAT option for anyone looking change things up.  It can be stored in the garage and when it needs to get used, simply pull it out on the street and GO GO GO!
Overall, I would say my shopping adventures at Dick’s was successful!  Next post I’m planning to show off everything we got, images of our home gym, and possibly even everything I got… in action!!!!  Stay tuned!

And now are you ready for your own little retail therapy session at Dick’s Sporting Goods???  Rules & details for the giveaway are going to be EASY and painless!

  • Simply leave me a comment on this post letting me know what YOUR fitness goals are and how YOU would spend $25 at Dick’s Sporting Goods to help achieve those goals
  • Entries must be made by AUGUST 2, 2015 11:59pm
  • Winner will be chose at random and contacted by me on August 3, 2015

DISCLAIMER: this post is sponsored by Vocalpoint and DICK’s Sporting Goods. All opinions expressed are my own.

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  • Kim Christensen
    July 30, 2015 at 3:27 pm

    Fitness Goals – Get STRONGER. Period.

    What I would spend it on? I need a new soft Harbinger weight belt which they sell there. Though a couple Mint Quest bars would fall in my cart.

    Enjoy your prowler!!! Nothing can kick your a$$ like a prowler.

    • corina
      July 30, 2015 at 3:30 pm

      Very excited to test it out!!! My daughters club volleyball team has one outside of their gyms and I jumped on it for the first time about a month ago…. good god. Cardio will never be the same…. when that time comes anyways LOL

  • Leah
    July 30, 2015 at 3:44 pm

    I’m just starting into my second reverse diet after cutting and my goals are to thoughtfully and slowly grow my muscles and repair my metabolism as much as possible! $25 would be so helpful because my poor, cheap lifting gloves are falling apart and I would LOVE a new pair. Keep up the great posts Corina, I always enjoy reading your blog! You’re a great role model and so inspiring 🙂

  • Taylor
    July 30, 2015 at 3:53 pm

    My fitness goal includes becoming stronger mentally and physically. I want my mind to grow as well as my body. I want to look at myself and love me for who I am = strong mind. I want to continue training hard and getting stronger in the gym = improving my physical strength. I would use the dicks sporting goods gift card for a medicine ball, because they are so versatile and I have been dying to get a heavy one!!!

  • Averie Daniel
    July 30, 2015 at 3:54 pm

    My goals are definitely to go to state in powerlifting this year! I’m working on getting my squat to 250, my bench to 135, and my deadlift to 250. Now as to what I’d spend the gift card on is the easy part :’D I really need a new pair of compression pants and a good water bottle to carry with me to practice! Love your blog! It inspires me everyday!

  • Corey
    July 30, 2015 at 3:55 pm

    Needing a few more sports bras (laundry is killing me!) Goals right now just adding more consistency to my weight training. I’m one who is pretty content zoning out on the treadmill!

  • Sandra
    July 30, 2015 at 4:00 pm

    My goal is to have the scale move to the left. Need start lifting more and stick with it. I also want to move up a belt in karate. The $25 card would go towards some new boxing gloves for my karate class.

  • Esmeralda
    July 30, 2015 at 4:10 pm

    My fitness goal is to grow my muscles and build more strength. I want to be able to do at least 5-8 consecutive pull-ups by the end of the year…I started working out about a year ago and am
    able to do 2 right now so I’m slowly progressing. I would buy a weight belt, I don’t have one right now but really like one to use when I deadlift!! Thanks for sharing ur life!

  • Randi
    July 30, 2015 at 4:14 pm

    my husband and I are on the road to having a family and we know having babies means being home more and not at the gym, so we are currently building a home gym. this GC would be used to help build our family gym! 😀 thanks for sharing this opportunity!

  • Sabrina
    July 30, 2015 at 4:17 pm

    My fitness goal is to find balance with food and exercise and gain some weight and muscle! I am currently reverse dieting (faster than normal) and trying to find balance and health. I am really inspired by your progress Corina! If I were to be able to win the $25 gift card, I would definitely buy some dumbbells or sports clothes! Thanks so much for this opportunity! 😉

  • Hailey
    July 30, 2015 at 4:18 pm

    Hello Corina. As far as I can remember, I’ve never worked out… My family is the “sit on the couch and watch TV” type so I’ve fallen into the same pattern. I, however, want to change my lifestyle and learn what it’s like to be active and eat right. My friends and I are starting a 30 day kick starter challenge August 1st and I don’t have many workout clothes. So far, I use old t-shirts, so I would love to invest in some quality workout clothes! Thanks for listening. (:

  • Ashley Trapasso
    July 30, 2015 at 4:39 pm

    Hi Corina! Love your site 🙂
    I have many fitness goals but a select few are of top priority.

    1. I genuinely want to feel completely comfortable in my own skin.I can be very hard on myself and want to practice giving myself a break and being proud of my accomplishments!
    2. I train to be an athlete. Therefore my training consists of bodybuilding style in the weight room, and outside of the weight room I enjoy conditioning workouts and running outside!
    I enjoy wearing Nike Zooms for my training, and Asic Gel Kayano’s for my running. I would definetly use the 25$ towards a pair of shoes! I also use a polar watch and have been eyeing up the new M300 to track my workouts!
    3. Overall, I’m striving for balance. I like working hard, but I also like living life! I want my body to run at an optimal level where I can function and feel normal in all situations. Balance inspires me. Maybe a motivational tank would be something else I spend it on!

    My goals help me keep growing and I plan to reach every one of them!

  • Katie
    July 30, 2015 at 4:47 pm

    My main goal is to continue to workout on a daily basis and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I am training for my first triathlon sprint in September and I would use the giftcard to put towards gear I need for that. 🙂

  • Caitlin Mendoza
    July 30, 2015 at 5:00 pm

    I have just recently discovered your posts about reverse dieting and they have changed my life… Seriously. And I am also 5 foot- so I know the struggle lol! Anyway, I would really love to put the gift card toward a new pair of sneakers that I have been eyeing up. I always wear the same pair, and when I feel like I look “good,” I feel more confident in the gym, and I know that really helps me achieve my goals! 🙂

  • Erica G.
    July 30, 2015 at 5:04 pm

    Oh the possibilities are endless with a $25 gift card! I would most likely buy myself either a new pair of compression shorts or shoes. I’m a big runner (I know, I should hate cardio more haha) but I go through running shoes so fast!

  • Caitlin Mendoza
    July 30, 2015 at 5:07 pm

    I forgot to say what my goals are- sorry!! My goal is to emerge from a calorie deficit and gain muscle. I want to feel and be strong. Thanks!

  • Michelle
    July 30, 2015 at 5:35 pm

    My fitness goals are very simple compared to yours. I’ve always wanted to run so I’m finally giving it a try. Can’t wait until the day I finally run a 5k, secondly I want to tone up and lastly I would like to lose a few pounds. Sounds simple but all of them will take hard work and dedication.

  • Lauren
    July 30, 2015 at 6:10 pm

    My goal is to get back on track with my macros since the summer has side tracked me. I have my eyes on those new Nike metcons, finally a pair for us girls!

  • Lauren Keneway
    July 30, 2015 at 6:22 pm

    My fitness goals are to learn how to accurately start tracking my macros and get into actual lifting! I stumbled across your blog while I was laying around – I just got my wisdom teeth out and have been miserable because I haven’t been able to workout, eat right, or do much or anything!

  • Lauren Keneway
    July 30, 2015 at 6:24 pm

    oops, my comment got cut off – just wanted to finish by saying me not being able to do the things I normally am able to do is making me that much more motivated to get back into the gym and start doing NEW things, like getting over my “gymtimidation” and get more serious about my eating and lifting heavy!! I would love to use this giftcard to put towards new Nike training shoes to get me going 🙂

  • Tiffany
    July 30, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    I would totally use it to put toward a heavy bag for my garage. I take a boxing class once a week and have totally fallen in love! I would love to box every day if I could and having a bag in my garage is my goal!

  • Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
    July 30, 2015 at 6:55 pm

    My goals are building some muscle over the next several months 🙂 I’d use the $25 towards a new pair of shoes!

  • Ann
    July 30, 2015 at 7:02 pm

    My goal is to be able to DO a pull up! I was in awesome shape, then cancer kicked my ass twice. I’m back and would love a pull up bar! I’m going to kick ass!!!

  • Janel Scott
    July 30, 2015 at 7:05 pm

    I’m like you-Dick’s is like my Macy’s. That $25 would purchase at least 1 tank from Nike-I’ve had my eye on this one for a few weeks. When my sister and I go to Dick’s together, we’re there for over an hour. Have you checked out their clearance section? Sometimes they have it where you take an additional 30% off! Enough gushing about Dick’s! We use a prowler in my cross fit class and I always feel like a bada**when we use it. Apparently I’m pretty good at it-lower body is my thing! Trying to maintain my weight and grow my muscles-learning a lot from you. Prowl on girl!

  • Keeley
    July 30, 2015 at 7:19 pm

    I want to run a half marathon and I’d use the money towards a new pair of running shoes!

  • Eleanor
    July 30, 2015 at 8:32 pm

    Fitness goals are to gain strength! I would put that gift card towards new shoes, or a new set of heavier dumbbells or a new workout tank or pants! 🙂

  • Amber Gutierrez
    July 30, 2015 at 8:34 pm

    My current fitness goal is training for an upcoming bikini competition in November! This is my first time attempting a competition like this so a $25 gift card would help me get some new lifting gloves or maybe some small equipment to help me in my fitness journey.

  • Kelsey
    July 30, 2015 at 9:15 pm

    I always tell my husband how much I would LOVE to win a huge shopping spree to Dick’s – I want all the things! I would get some new Nike kicks and running shorts!

  • Laurel
    July 30, 2015 at 11:18 pm

    I need some more running shorts and my goal is to beat 4 hours in the marathon!

  • Janeen DeGeorge
    July 31, 2015 at 2:58 am

    My goals are to strengthen my core after my recent back surgery and to get back into a routine of working out. Post surgery I feel like I’ve lost all my muscle. I would use the gift card to get some weights I need as well as a new shirt or two 😉

    July 31, 2015 at 6:58 am

    Hello. Right now I am trying to lose fat and build lean muscle. If I had a $25 gift card, I would probably use it to buy a 40 pound dumbbell…time to increase my weights 🙂 ps…just found your blog this week and it is amazing! Thanks for sharing all of your information. Just ordered some snickerdoodle protein and I am so excited to try your pancake roll ups!

  • Caroline
    July 31, 2015 at 11:13 am

    My goal is to continue to build muscle, living a balanced lifestyle, enjoying all the foods and not depriving myself! I would use the gift card towards some lifting shoes. I have been eyeing the Adidas ones you posted about before. I’ve wanted some for about a year and just haven’t been able to pull the trigger because of the price! Are you still loving them?

  • Melanie Zimmerman
    July 31, 2015 at 12:52 pm

    It is about time I start training for my 3rd full marathon but I just noticed last night my running shoes actually have a hole worn in the side from my last marathon training!!!!! My goal is to pr in my next marathon but I sure need fresh sneaks to get out there!!!!!!! 🙂

  • Mandi Little
    July 31, 2015 at 1:47 pm

    My fitness goal is to maintain where Im at, eat clean 80% of the time and have fun working out! 🙂
    I would love to buy just about every nike outfit offered! Im a pe teacher so its basically my wardrobe! A giftcard would REALLY help me!!! 🙂

  • Alicia Ney
    July 31, 2015 at 2:20 pm

    Just like you Dick’s is the closest chain sporting goods store to me and every time I walk in the first section I go to is Nike too!! Now, obviously I would spend more than the $25 gift card hehe but I would more than likely buy some home fitness equipment so that I can start incorporating home workouts outside! When the weather is so nice in the summer it’s so hard to spend the evenings after work in the gym, I’d much rather be able to do my workouts outside in the gorgeous sunshine 🙂

  • Angela Waddington
    July 31, 2015 at 5:10 pm

    My fitness goals at the moment: work out 6 days a week and incorporate more flexibility exercises in my workouts.

  • Christina Nateras
    July 31, 2015 at 8:13 pm

    My main fitness goal is to improve my body composition: more muscle and less fat. I want to be more consistent with working out, which will help me achieve my goal. If I had $25 to Dick’s, I would spend it on workout clothes. For me it’s important to look and feel good about myself while working out.

    Thank you for all the information and insight on living fit that you provide for free!! Love your site!

  • Katie
    July 31, 2015 at 8:19 pm

    My goals are to find a good balance of cardio and strength training, and to learn to feel confident in who I am even when I’m having “fluffy” days. I would use the gift card for some new workout clothes, or maybe some free weights to start building a home gym! 🙂

  • hensley
    August 1, 2015 at 1:09 am

    incorporating more strength training!! I’d buy a few more sports bras 😉

  • Christal Ballard
    August 1, 2015 at 7:53 pm

    the way I would use a $25.00 card from dicks sportings good is I would buy some kettelbells. I live in a upstairs apartment and I have 16 stairs so the kettelbells are great for doing squats up and down stairs, doing my arms, back and chest exercises. I could get a complete workout sessions with the kettelbells and my apartment stairs. I use my stairs now but the bells would make it complete.

    Thank you in advance


  • Monica
    August 1, 2015 at 9:11 pm

    I would get more shorts or sports bras! You can never have to many 😀

  • Carrie
    August 1, 2015 at 10:19 pm

    One of my fitness goals is to build more muscles in my quads. It’s an area I struggle to show much definition in. I’ve really been wanting a plyometrics box and would use the gift card towards the purchase of that. Thanks for all the great info, recipes and tips on your blog and Instagram!!

  • Nola
    August 1, 2015 at 10:23 pm

    Goals: to continue on my fitness path (made major changes since Jan this yr ) have dropped 5 full sizes, so ANY clothing would be awesome

  • adrienne
    August 2, 2015 at 2:22 am

    Hi , I would use the gift card to get some new lifting shoes. I Know I have said this a lot but thanks again for what you do and share! You inspired me to get help I have needed for 22 years.

  • Donna Salas
    August 2, 2015 at 3:38 am

    My fitness goals are to get leaner, I know your weight isn’t everything, so I don’t want to say lose 20lbs. I also want to build more upper body strength/muscle in the next few months.
    With the $25 gift card, I would use it to buy my hubby some new workout shoes. He just bought some for me, so it’s his turn. 🙂
    Great post, by the way!

  • Kirstie Barnes
    August 3, 2015 at 1:01 am

    My fitness goal is to become the best possible version of me that I can become. I want to get stronger physically and mentally and be able to utilize my knowledge to make decisions and switch over to intuitive eating. I want to balance a healthy lifestyle and show that even though I’m only 16, if you are determined and dedicated enough, you can accomplish your goals at any age. If I received the gift card, I would buy more workout clothes or tennis shoes, because I have a part-time minimum wage job, and don’t always have the funds to buy what I want 🙂

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    August 31, 2015 at 3:33 am

    […] down to three options: swimming, battle ropes, and if you read my Dick’s Sporting goods post… you know that I just grabbed this awesome new PROWLER to add to my home gym collection!!!  On […]