
Shifting Gears for 2015!!!

January 12, 2015
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I consider myself a fairly organized person.  I seem to manage my businesses, my household, my kids, my husband, all of our schedules, appointments, play dates, practices & games, etc. without missing too many beats.  However, the one aspect of my life that feels completely all over the place has been this blog.  I started it with the intent of sharing my recipes and my fitness journey with anyone who cared to listen.  I had no real expectations for it, never thought anyone would pay attention (let alone read anything I had to say), and certainly never expected it to grow like it has over the past year.  As a result of documenting my journey, food, and life here, I have built relationships with companies I truly believe, been offered opportunities that I would have never even dreamed of, and even started to provide an additional income for my family.  It’s absolutely surreal for me to wrap my head around it all but feel extremely fortunate and blessed to have created a little baby here with my blog by simply sharing my passion for fitness, delicious food, and healthy (balanced) living.

Towards the end of 2014, I began to realize than in order to really maximize the potential of getting my journey, my thoughts, and my “food” out there, I would need hit things HARD in 2015!!!  Up until this point, I have continued to create recipes for companies I am now partnered and sponsored by as well as occasionally post a few articles every once in awhile (when I can squeeze in some time)… not this year though!  I have big plans running through my head and cannot wait to sit down and GET ORGANIZED enough to share it all!!!

Some of key things I plan to focus on for the blog this year include:

  • MORE regular posting (at least 2-3 times per week)
  • MORE recipes INCLUDING non dessert/sweets
  • MORE articles
  • product features and reviews
  • FAQ & answer sessions
  • quick fitness & food tips
  • meal planning & food prep
  • setting up a home gym

Another thing I decided to share here is my complete day to day/week to week training journal!!!

This is a HUGE undertaking, but feel like it could potentially benefit others… at the very least it will also help me stay on track and accountable so that’s a huge bonus for me!  The ultimate goal in sharing this information is to show women that they don’t need to spend HOURS on end at the gym, doing crazy ongoing routines/programs, slave away on a treadmill or cardio machine, etc. in order to build (and or maintain) a body they are proud of and feel comfortable in.  After jumping through hoops the past 2 years trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t for me, going through my reverse diets/cuts, and a whole lot of trial and error, I’m so happy to finally be in a place where I’m happy just training for “life”.  I have certain things I want to continue to improve and build (booty booty booty), but for the most part I simply just want to remain active, heart healthy, lift my weights, eat all of the food, and maintain my current physique.

My plan is to provide anything and everything I do this year in regards to lifting, cardio, rest days, and active rest days.  I will run through what I do each day AND try to provide links to examples for those that may be totally unfamiliar with moves, exercises, and workouts.  I plan on spending a LOT more time working out at home now, trying new programs, finding new ways to be active/move my body, and most importantly… continue to look forward to working out!!!  Remember, the key to long term “fitness” success is to find things you LOVE to do and not looking at working out as a chore.  Luckily, my heart belongs to lifting so unless weights get banned in San Diego for some reason… I should be good to go this year!!!  Hopefully, I can keep myself organized enough and dedicate the time that’s going to share… scared, but hopeful!!!!


Here’s to 2015… it’s going to be the BEST year yet!!!!  If there is something you would like to see me include, please feel free to let me know in the comments of this post!  I would love to hear from you!!!!

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  • Reply
    January 12, 2015 at 9:38 pm

    I’ve read your blog off and on over the last year and have found it very interesting. You’re an inspiration. I’ve found it particularly helpful recently, as I get back into my CrossFit routine and try to find a healthy, sustainable way of eating (i.e., not paleo, not no sugar, … moderate). I’ve learned a lot from you and look forward to learning even more in 2015!

  • Reply
    January 12, 2015 at 10:10 pm

    You go girl! You can do this! It’ll be wonderful to continue seeing/reading through your journey.

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