breakfast/ desserts & baked goods/ Muscle Egg/ Protein Powder

PROTEIN packed chia seed pudding

January 15, 2015
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I think everyone goes in phases with what they eat.  Often times we find ourselves eating the same things day in and day out either because your body gets used to those foods so you automatically crave them or sometimes out of sheer laziness.  Even as a huge foodie and lover of all things I can shove in my mouth to eat, I find myself in ruts with food.  Case in point with my breakfast… egg scramble or omelet with tons of veggies, salsa, avocado, toast, peanut butter, and coffee.  Sad as it may be, this first meal of the day is probably my favorite of the day (no idea why because it really isn’t that drool worthy) and I never seem to get tired of it.  Creature of habit I suppose.  My pre workout meal, while it’s always a bit more exciting than eggs & veggies, it’s still usually always waffles or pancakes.

With the changes I would like to implement into the blog this year, one of my New Years Resolutions was to break out of my “food ruts” and commit to incorporating at least a few “new” dishes in each week.  I knew I wouldn’t always have the time to come up with meals, so I’m starting off easy and stress free by going into my food arsenal and simply adding things I have eaten in the past and loved.  Seems like a win win to me… resolution + not having to think too much.

One thing that I had started making many moons ago when I first started my fitness journey was chia seed pudding.  It’s filling enough for breakfast but also light enough in taste and texture to eat either before I workout or even as a quick afternoon snack.  An added bonus for chia seed pudding is that you can (and ideally) prepare it the night before you plan on eating it.  It literally takes less than a minute to throw the ingredients in a jar or tupperware container and then leave it in the fridge.  Then the next day, just stir it up and add whatever toppings you want!  It’s a great on the go snack as well if you put it all in a mason jar!

As with so many of my dishes, I like having a simple base and then go crazy with the toppings and “fun” stuff to help fill in the rest of the macros (calories) I would need that day.  Chia seed pudding is a GREAT vehicle for that since you can change the flavors so easily!  Again, starting out slow and I decided to go with a simple vanilla and blueberry combination.  I used my base simple chia seed pudding, then added a container of Blueberry Elli Quark (NEW ADDICTION… it’s a cross between regular flavored yogurt and Greek yogurt with far better protein/carb ratios, less sugar, and not the same tang/tart) , Kashi Go Lean cereal, blueberries, and a Blueberry Smart Detour bar!  SO jam packed… just how I like my meals!!!

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Simple High Protein Chia Seed Pudding

Serves 1
Prep time 2 minutes
Cook time 3 hours
Total time 3 hours, 2 minutes
Meal type Breakfast, Snack


  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup almond or milk of choice
  • 1/4 cup Vanilla MuscleEgg egg whites
  • 4-5 drops Vanilla Sweet Leaf Stevia
  • 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla extract
  • 3oz Elli "Blueberry" Quark ((cross between regular yogurt and Greek yogurt))


  • 1/4 cup "Berry Crumble" Kashi Go Lean
  • 1/4 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1 Blueberry Smart Bar by Detour


Step 1
Place chia seeds, egg whites, almond milk, vanilla extract, and stevia in a glass jar/container. Mix until well combined.
Step 2
Let mixture sit for 3-4 hours but preferably in fridge overnight. Shake it up a couple of times during this time to ensure all chia seeds are covered.
Step 3
Layer with Elli quark, granola, cereal, desired fruit, etc. I also added a Blueberry SmartBar (by DETOUR).


NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION: calories 265, protein- 27 g, carbs- 27 g, fat- 11 g (with Elli quark and no additional toppings)

  • 584
  • 7.1K

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