breakfast/ Fit Kids/ lunch/ Meal Prep/ Muscle Egg

Kids Breakfast and Lunch Ideas 2016-17: Week 6

September 30, 2016
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‘Stress free make ahead breakfast ideas and prepped daily school lunches will change your life!  Make sure your kids get a healthy start each morning with a balanced breakfast and fueling nutritious lunches!’

You can usually tell when I’ve had a good or bad pain week by my posting frequency.  If I’m feeling GOOD then I’m on FIRE here!  If I’m feeling BAD though… it usually takes a ton of energy just to keep my eyes open (let alone standing or cooking). Considering this particular post is a week overdo because I’ve been blogging all week, I guess you could say I’ve been doing AWESOME!  Ten cheers for each and every good day I encounter!!!  I’ve also been in the kitchen ALL week preparing new recipes, I started a new “diet” (more on this soon), and I’m in the process of revamping the entire blog.

Told ya… when I’m on good… there is NO stopping me!

Another gauge for my medical issues is what we’ve decided to make for my daughters breakfast prep!  Some weeks the only thing I can do is throw together smoothies and overnight oats, some weeks I can manage baking something, and other weeks (like this one I’m sharing)… I’m ready to turn the stove AND oven on!

On the menu for last week’s breakfast prep was BREAKFAST BOWLS!  Hearty, healthy, and delicious.

Let’s get to it.

Roasted potatoes are first.  We make these potatoes at least twice a week, every single week.  Although we usually only have them for dinner, I knew Makena would love them in her breakfast as well.  Three potatoes cut into 1″ chunks.  Drizzle with olive oil (2 tbsp).  Salt (2 tsp), pepper (1 tsp), garlic powder (2 tbsp), and dried dill (2 tbsp).

Make Ahead Breakfast Bowls

In a 400 degree oven for 25-30 minutes until tender on the inside, crisp and golden brown on the outside.  Heaven.  Potatoes are pure chunks of heaven for sure.

Make Ahead Breakfast BowlsMake Ahead Breakfast Bowls

Time for eggs.  For 5 days worth of breakfast I combined 4 whole eggs + 3 cups of plain organic MuscleEgg egg whites, 2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of pepper, and 1 tsp of dried dill in my blender.  Whipped it up for 30 seconds to get fluffy and then cooked them on LOW heat for 5-10 minutes.
Make Ahead Breakfast Bowls

While the eggs were slowly cooking on the stove I put some turkey bacon on a sheet pan and cooked it on broil for a few minutes.

** If you use the broil setting on the oven for these, make sure you keep an eye on them because they go from perfectly crisp to black in a matter of seconds! **

Make Ahead Breakfast Bowls

Rock & Roll time.  Let’s assemble.  Bacon, potatoes, spinach, and eggs.  Breakfast bowl must haves in my opinion.  Although sausage would work smashingly well also!

Make Ahead Breakfast BowlsMake Ahead Breakfast Bowls

Eggs down.  Spinach in.

** I use raw spinach here, but it cooks/wilts as soon as this is reheated.  Your kids will barely know its in there.  An even BETTER option is to blend the spinach WITH the eggs.  This will give you GREEN eggs that your kiddos might get a kick out of.  They won’t have ANY idea its actually spinach! **

Make Ahead Breakfast Bowls

Potatoes on.  Mmmmm.  Potatoes.

Make Ahead Breakfast Bowls

And because my bowls weren’t long enough for the bacon, I split them in half!

Make Ahead Breakfast Bowls

And…. done!

Each morning my daughter could grab one from the fridge and pop it in the microwave for a minute or two.  I didn’t even have to get out of bed to help her!  Extra sleep anytime is priceless, but when you live with chronic illness it’s a MUST!!!  A HUGE reason why I do breakfast prep in the first place… extra time in bed!

Make Ahead Breakfast BowlsMake Ahead Breakfast Bowls

Pretty huh?  The OCD in me loves seeing things all lined up, organized, and stackable.  I wish I could describe the feelings that run though me when I open my cabinets or fridge and see everything all laid out and in their proper place.  Warm & fuzzies.  Issues.  I know I have issues 🙂

Make Ahead Breakfast Bowls

And for those wondering about the containers (because I know someone will ask me), I bought mine on Amazon.  I have these single bowls, a two compartment boxes, and a three compartment boxes.  ALL get used VERY frequently around here for on the go meals, lunches, and of course… breakfast!

Last but not least, Makena’s lunches for last week:


Leftover chicken soup, buttermilk biscuit, grapes, and pickle popcorn (her choice, not mine)

Meal & Food Prep For Kids


Leftover buffalo chicken nuggets, roasted cauliflower, watermelon, Annie’s chocolate chip cookies, and whole grain goldfish

Meal & Food Prep For Kids


Leftover lasagna (testing out another new lunch box system, more on that soon), apples, organic pumpkin chips, celery

Meal & Food Prep For Kids


Leftover steak, riced cauliflower, snap peas, and watermelon

Meal & Food Prep For Kids


Leftover crockpot chicken stew, pistachios, bell peppers, and quinoa chips

Meal & Food Prep For Kids

Be on the lookout for another lunch box review also!!!  I’m testing out a system that actually keeps food WARM.  So far we are extremely happy.  This will definitely be great for kiddos who hate eating cold or even luke warm food!  No more cold leftovers for us!!!  Game changer for many 🙂

Have a fabulous weekend friends!


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Make Ahead Breakfast Bowls
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1 Comment

  • Reply
    October 3, 2016 at 12:52 pm

    I love your kids meals ideas as meal ideas for my lunches each week! Packing lunch as an adult can get so boring! That chicken stew looks FAB! Do you have a recipe or can you point me to where you got it?!?!

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