
The FLUFFIEST Low Carb Pancakes

January 25, 2019
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Never make another deflated stack of low carb, paleo, keto pancakes ever again. Use these great tips and recipe for the FLUFFIEST pancakes ever!  

Let’s face it lower carb friends.  While nearly any recipe can be modified to suit keto and paleo ways of eating, sometimes it just does not measure up.  All of the taste and richness are there (thank you healthy fats), but texture is usually something left to be desired.  Gluten binds the ingredients and gives them their elasticity and “chew”.  We are left with either thin disks that resemble more of a wet crepe or a pile of mushy circles that taste like they have been drowned in water.

I have made countless batches of pancakes over the past few years and have failed many (many) times.  Different combinations of flours.  More eggs, less eggs, more liquid, cream cheese, yogurt, heavy cream, water.  You name it, I have tested it.

Fortunately for you I’m the one who made all of those dirty dishes, caked up pans, and wasted many ingredients.  I have finally developed the perfect low carb-keto friendly pancake there ever was!  These are SO fluffy, perfectly moist, rich, and can rival any carby gluten filled pancake around.  In addition to the actual recipe though, today I am sharing my TOP tips for the perfect pancake!  These suggestions will change your pancake making skills forev-ah.


  • Add a combination of baking POWDER & baking SODA- without getting to geeked out, each of these ingredients provide a a unique chemical reaction.  They are both leavening agents which means they generate gas during that “raises” or aerates the baked goods.  Baking soda (combined with an acid) will give an immediate chemical reaction to give initial “lift”.  The baking powder allows the pancakes to remain fluffy.  It will also enhance the yummy browning.
  • Do NOT over beat the batter (any batter)- the more you mix, the more chances you have for things to deflate.  Simply mix just until it becomes smooth.  Then leave it alone.  Let the chemicals (AKA baking soda, baking powder, and acid) for their thing.  Even if you have a few small lumps here and there, they will eventually dissolve.  Trust me.

  • Let batter hang out- again, those chemicals are doing their magic.  Always let your pancake batter sit for at least 5-10 minutes before cooking.  This will give the dry ingredients to soak up the wet ingredients which will give you a much better texture.  You will also notice that it begins to bubble a bit on it’s own without you even touching it… again, chemistry!
  • Use the right pan- as much as I love and use my cast iron skillet, it’s hit or miss when it comes to pancakes.  I’ve learned over the years that the absolute BEST piece of equipment to use is a non stick skillet or pan.  No matter how much you butter or grease certain pans up, sometimes the pan simply doesn’t want to let go of your flapjacks.  I swear the pan is holding them hostage.  My perfect combination is non stick pan, a little non stick spray, and then a little butter.  Without the butter is fine, BUT if you are looking for those crisp and flavorful edges… butter or ghee IS the answer.
  • Use the right amount of heat- you need to get the pan hot, but not too hot.  Easy enough and self explanatory right?!  You want to aim for about 350° F or low end of medium-high.  The pan should sizzle a bit when the batter is poured in, but not smoke.  You will also find as you start cooking and flipping your pancakes that they get too hot, too fast.  After the first batch, you will probably need to turn down your heat setting JUST a bit.
  • Cover up- Perhaps I’ve saved my best tip for last.  Once you have poured your first batch of pancakes into your hot pan grab a lid and cover the pan up.  This will allow the pancakes to steam a bit and rise.  It will also prevent you from messing with them too much which WILL cause them to deflate.

Those are the tips, but I also want to share a bit of information about the recipe itself.  Perfect on its own, but you might want to kick your texture up even more to make them more than perfect.  My secret weapon is adding a little bit of high quality whey protein powder into the batter.  This soaks up the wet ingredients just a bit better than the combination of almond and coconut flour.  You could also use a little bit of xanthan gum, but I really do prefer the protein.

The pancakes photographed in this post use all of the tips I’ve shared AND the added protein… take a look at that fluff!

Never make another deflated, soggy pancake ever again.  Use these tips AND this recipe and you will have a perfect stack to enjoy forever.  An added bonus is these low carb keto pancakes will work for food and meal prep.  Make a batch to enjoy the entire week AND double (or triple) the recipe so you can freeze them.  Then enjoy them any and every time you get a flapjack craving!

Easy Fluffy Pancakes

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By Corina Nielsen-Thomas Serves: 10
Prep Time: 15 Cooking Time: 5


  • 1 1/4 cup almond flour
  • 2 tablespoons coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon sweetener of choice (I use Lankanto Monk Fruit or Pyure Sweetener)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup unsweetened milk of choice
  • 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 scoop Perfect Keto Whey Protein (Optional, but highly encouraged. Use code LIVEKETOFIT20 for 20% off)



Add all ingredients to a large bowl, stand mixer, or blender. Mix well until smooth. Let batter sit for 5-10 minutes.


Preheat a griddle pan on low-medium heat and coat with non stick spray, butter, or ghee.


Divide and pour 1-4 to 1/3 cup of batter onto pan. Cook pancakes on each side until golden brown, about 2-3 minutes per side. Repeat with remaining batter.


Top with extra butter to ghee, syrup of choice (I use lankanto), and/or coconut butter.


  • 117 Calories
  • 3g Carbohydrates
  • 10g Fat
  • 1g Fiber
  • 6g Protein

  • 601
  • 130
  • 7.1K

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  • Reply
    February 10, 2019 at 6:29 am

    How many pancakes in a serving?

    • Reply
      February 11, 2019 at 8:19 pm

      One pancake is one serving! Hope that helps!

  • Reply
    September 5, 2019 at 7:07 pm

    Can i use heavy cream instead of a milk alternative?

    • Reply
      February 10, 2020 at 8:50 pm

      The fat content may change the texture, but you could also use water!

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