desserts & baked goods/ Kodiak Cakes/ Muscle Egg

Cocoa Cherry Brownie Parfaits

June 25, 2015
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As soon as rainier cherries are in season, my entire family goes absolutely crazy.  Literally, the first day they see them in the stores, we area always guaranteed to buy at least 2-3 bags and if you know anything about rainier cherries, you will know these things are NOT cheap!!!  Each small bag is usually around $8 or so!  And yes, my husband will still buy multiple bags!!!  I now understand how people living in other areas of the country feel when certain fruits are ‘out of season’… here in Southern California we are blessed to have gorgeous produce year round and there are very few things that are not available year round.  I can’t imagine not having certain things available or having to wait 6-9 months for things to come back!  Thank you San Diego living!

This seasons cherries seem to be extra scrumptious!!!

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As soon as rainier cherries came back into season (and we bought our usual 3 bags), I decided this year instead of just eating them ‘as is’ I would come up with a few fun things to do with them!  Chocolate & cherry are classic flavor combinations, so that’s exactly what I went for.  Brownies are always available on the menu in my house (especially since discovering Kodiak Cakes “Big Bear” whole grain brownie mix), so I came up with these quick & easy Cocoa Cherry Brownie Parfaits!

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Not only are these absolutely delicious (I know, hard to go wrong with chocolate), but parfaits are a great way to get the most bang for your buck with VOLUME!!!  With so many flavors and textures going on in each bite, you definitely don’t need a huge serving to satisfy your sweet tooth (although the bigger the better will work too).  Each bite is more perfect than the last!  These parfaits are a great way to get your chocolate & brownie fix in without going totally overboard and past the point of no return on dessert. Personally, I think they make for a very pretty presentation as well so they would be great for entertaining!!!  So easy to whip up and assemble.  I actually used little mini dessert bowls similar to these to photograph my parfaits!  How adorable would it be to see a whole platter of them!

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Cocoa Cherry Brownie Parfaits

Serves 16
Prep time 5 minutes
Cook time 25 minutes
Total time 30 minutes
Meal type Dessert


  • 1 Kodiak Cakes (
  • 1/3 cup Chocolate MuscleEgg egg whites (
  • 3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice
  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract
  • 1 Dannon Light & Fit Cherry yogurt
  • 5-8 Large Ranier cherries
  • 1/4 Cocoa Cherry SquareBar (


Step 1
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and coat a 9x9 pan with non stick spray.
Step 2
In a large bowk or stand mixer, combine brownie mix, egg whites, melted coconut oil, coconut extract, and milk. Mix until smooth. Pour into prepared pan and bake for 25 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean when poked through the center of the brownies. Let cool.
Step 3
Layer brownies with yogurt, chopped SquareBar, and cherries when ready to serve.


NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION FOR BROWNIES (makes 16 small servings): calories- 227, fat- 4 grams, carbs- 35 grams, protein- 14 grams PER PARFAIT

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