Product Review

I’m Pretty Fit!

June 18, 2015
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How cute is the name of this company “Pretty Fit“?!  I feel like it describes how I personally feel every single day… I mean I workout, I love weight training, I like to think I’m fairly athletic looking (some days anyways), I’m mindful of what I eat, I’m consistent, I’m committed to a healthy & balanced lifestyle. Not crazy, over the top fit… just kind of “pretty fit”!  Company is right up my alley simply based on the name only haha!

So, Pretty Fit is basically a service that puts together fitness packs for women that include supplements, snacks, and workout gear!  These are items that have been chosen by top fitness professionals and put into monthly subscription packs (BUT ** you can also choose a single pack **).  There is a new theme each month (protein pack, highlighting a specific company, seasonal things, etc.) so products & packs are constantly changing!  I discovered it a couple of months ago and decided to try it out for myself!

I decided to go with the “Spring Protein Pack” and this was everything I got!



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I was so excited when my box finally arrived… I think I hounded the mail guy every single day for my package!  Obviously, everyone LOVES getting packages delivered right to your door step, but usually it’s a single box/single product.  That’s not quite as fun as one FILLED with stuff!  The I’m Pretty Fit box comes jam PACKED with goodies!  I couldn’t believe how much stuff was actually included.  Opening up the box felt just like Christmas morning!  There was a such a nice variety of items and it was so hard to not rip everything open and try it on the spot.  I had a hard time restraining myself just snapping these pictures!

What I love most about the service is that you get to try out a variety of products… some you might be familiar with, some you have never heard of, some that you have seen around and wanted to try BUT never have.  In the particular pack I had ordered, I had actually only heard of 1-2 of the companies, everything else was entirely new to me. Isn’t that fun???  I LOVE trying new things especially when it comes to FOOD and anything I can shove in my mouth!  Let me highlight a few things in my pack for ya…

First two items to share, a DELICIOUS Cacao Brittle from Urban Remedy (SOOOOO good) & energy bar from Amrita.

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One product that I’ve seen floating around Instagram are these B-Up bars from YUP Brands.  I have been wanting to try them for MONTHS now, but couldn’t find them locally AND didn’t want to place an order for a whole box on their website.  What if I absolutely hated them or my tummy didn’t like them?  I’d be stuck with all those bars, the cost of shipping, and they would end up just going bad.  OMG, I would be so ticked off!  These bars were one of the reasons why I chose this particular box in the first place!  AND I didn’t just get one flavor to try out, there were FOUR (and in different sizes).

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A neat & different item in my pack was this Athletic Wear Detergent from Rockin’ Green Soap.  It’s an eco friendly company that provides a whole line of “Green” cleaning products that are plant based, biodegradable, septic & gray water safe, and never tested on animals.  I had never heard of this company until now, but LOVE that the line was created by a fellow mommy who simply wanted better products for her family to use every day.  Supporting fellow women/moms is very important to me.  I love it when mommy’s are on a mission and follow their dreams!!!  So inspiring!

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Something else that I was entirely unfamiliar with, BUT am SOOOO happy to have found through I’m Pretty Fit are these gluten free “NoGii” bars. NOTE: Because I have absolutely no reason to keep a gluten free diet, I usually tend to avoid items that are promoted as such.  Just because something says its “gluten free”, does not mean that it’s any healthier or “better” for you whatsoever.  Typically the macros on the gluten free stuff are pretty similar to products containing gluten.  As a flexible dieter who pays close attention to macronutrients & nutritional profiles, those numbers are the first thing I would look at when I choose to eat something.  I’m sure some would disagree with my feelings regarding gluten, but nobody in my family has celiac or diagnosed gluten intolerances so I simply never gravitate towards those products.  Back in the “clean eating” days of my journey, I made the mistake for falling victim to the “gluten free” fad and I was no better off than I am today in terms of my overall health.  I actually spent months trying to bring gluten back into my life after I stopped eating it cold turkey.  That’s a mistake I will never make again!  My “diet” includes a WIDE VARIETY of foods because that’s what is sustainable for me in the long term!

Sorry, end of rant, back to these yummy gluten free bars…

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Nothing short of AMAZING!!!!  I didn’t expect much at all, but they taste SOOOO good!  What’s even better is that my daughter & husband LOVED them as well.  The I’m Pretty Fit box only had one flavor (chocolate caramel bliss) in the mini size (slightly smaller than the size of a regular candy bar), but that was enough for me to run straight to the store and grab the other flavors to try out!  Unfortunately, I went to FOUR different stores the company listed on their website and they all only had ONE flavor :(.  This Peanut Butter & Chocolate bar was all I could find at my local Walmart, Walgreens, and two CVS stores.  These were bigger than the ones in the box which is fabulous and very very good but the chocolate caramel bliss is still my favorite so far!  However, now I know everyone in my house will eat them so I’m safe buying from the NoGii website!  They are a great snack option and perfect for on the go eating, traveling, my kids sports events, etc.!  These bars will be a new permanent  staple for me (and the family if I let them find my stash that is)!

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And last but not least, the product that I was most excited about…

I’m Pretty Fit GREENS!!!

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I have NO problems getting in a ton of fruits, vegetables, and my micronutrients every single day, but I think everyone can benefit from a little extra “green” in their lives’ right?  Even though I was excited to try these out, I was still skeptical.  I had tried another brand of powdered greens from Sprout’s last year and almost vomited.  It was horrible (even in a smoothie mixed with a bunch of other stuff, gag).  I spent quite a bit on that Sprout’s jar so I was even more upset!  The Pretty Fit Greens not only taste good, they are packed with tons of nutrients, herbs, antioxidants, AND prebiotic/probiotic complex which is something I absolutely LOVE about this product.  Prebiotics & probiotics are great for those of us with sensitive tummy’s who need a little help with digestion and overall gut health.  It’s like killing a bunch of birds with one stone with these greens… or in this case, one scoop!!!  So much goodness packed in here!

Check out the ingredients…

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** 38 calories per serving, total fat <1g, total carb 6.9g, protein 1g **

Out of everything in this box I got, these greens have to be my absolute favorite item (this and the NoGii bars) .  I am using the greens every day now in my smoothies & shakes, mixed in yogurt, and I have even added them to the dressing I make for my HUGE daily salad.  Such a great, quality product and I’m totally addicted!  The Pretty Fit Greens have definitely made it onto my DAILY food rotation!  It’s a must for me in the afternoon when my energy levels start to come down.  Fixing up a quick green smoothie is just what the doctor ordered.  I actually started a new page here on my blog to share the daily smoothies & recipes I’m whipping up with my greens… you can find that HERE!!!  Please excuse the low quality, quickly shot iPhone pics!

All in all, I’m super happy with the I’m Pretty Fit service!!!  So happy that I even asked the company for a coupon code to share with my readers for you to enjoy your very own pack & greens!!!

CORINA10 = $10 off any of our packs

MYGREENS = 50% off first bottle of greens

Not sure what the future boxes hold, but I’m so excited for another early Christmas 🙂

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  • Reply
    June 18, 2015 at 5:46 pm

    What about the vanilla cake protein powder? That looks amazing! And its so crazy to me that they will give you a 2lb container of it!

    • Reply
      June 18, 2015 at 6:52 pm

      Not highlighted in my post, BUT the protein is amazing!!! Tastes great and it didn’t hurt my tummy!!! I was very surprised also by the large container 🙂

  • Reply
    Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
    June 18, 2015 at 7:05 pm

    How cool! This is right up my alley 🙂

  • Reply
    Brittany Lesser
    June 18, 2015 at 8:16 pm

    This looks awesome!!! I’ve heard great things about the greens!

  • Reply
    June 18, 2015 at 8:20 pm

    Also, I definitely agree with you on the greens powder drink! I tried one from Trader Joe’s and the beginning of the sip tastes like berries, then it tastes like dirt. Doesn’t taste good in smoothies either. But the ImPrettyFit greens powder is great!

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