Everyday Ramblings

EVERYDAY RAMBLINGS: EDITION 8- Loving Yourself from the Inside Out

July 9, 2015
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Re-posted from my Instagram:

Reverse dieting is a difficult process in and of itself. Doing it in the summertime while everyone is cut and shredded can screw with your head ten times more. Some days I want to say to hell with it, building time is over and it’s time to lean out! It’s in those brief moments that I have to dig deep and ask myself WHY I feel the need to diet. Is it solely because everyone else is looking lean right now? Would being leaner magically make me happier than I already am? Am I truly even mentally ready to commit to being 100% consistent and compliant with tracking macros again? Do I want to sacrifice the sheer amount of food I get to eat everyday for the sake of abs, cuts, and some extra veins? It usually doesn’t take me long to get my head right though. I may feel fluffy sometimes, but at 37 I’m happier now and walk with more confidence than I ever have. I’ve always believed in following the road less traveled anyways and ultimately my happiness has NEVER come down to how I look physically. Truly loving yourself from the inside out makes a world of difference in how you view EVERYTHING

Reverse dieting is a difficult process in and of itself. Doing it in the summertime while everyone is cut and shredded can screw with your head ten times more. Some days I want to say to hell with it, building time is over and it’s time to lean out! It’s in those brief moments that I have to dig deep and ask myself WHY I feel the need to diet. Is it solely because everyone else is looking lean right now? Would being leaner magically make me happier than I already am? Am I truly even mentally ready to commit to being 100% consistent and compliant with tracking macros again? Do I want to sacrifice the sheer amount of food I get to eat everyday for the sake of abs, cuts, and some extra veins? It usually doesn’t take me long to get my head right though. I may feel fluffy sometimes, but at 37 I’m happier now and walk with more confidence than I ever have. I’ve always believed in following the road less traveled anyways and ultimately my happiness has NEVER come down to how I look physically. Truly loving yourself from the inside out makes a world of difference in how you view EVERYTHING.

Corina Nielsen- Live Fit

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    July 13, 2015 at 1:34 pm

    Well mentally it must be a challenge yes, but you sure do look lean and buff to me. Whatever you are doing is working really well with your figure, don’t give up.

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