Articles/ fitness

Family Shopping at Dick’s Sporting Goods

April 29, 2016
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Whether you are a sports enthusiast, fitness fanatic, or just a shopaholic ® Dick’s Sporting Goods has something for EVERYONE and a $50 gift card is up for grabs this week for YOU to shop!!!  Take a look at our own family shopping at ® Dick’s Sporting Goods!


I’ve always had a passion for fitness and all things ‘active’ so it stands to reason why I would LOVE ® Dick’s Sporting Goods.  Regardless of the sport you play, type of exercise you do, or your taste in clothing, I can guarantee that ® Dick’s has something of interest for anyone & everyone.  Luckily for me, my family shares my appreciation for sports and being outdoors so whenever it comes time to shop for a few things… NOBODY ever has a problem tagging along with me!  Unlike other trips I take to ® Dick’s for specific purposes, this time I couldn’t think of anything I ‘needed’ per se BUT I knew we wouldn’t leave empty handed!

With our annual family trip to Hawaii quickly approaching (June can’t come soon enough), I made a bee line for the bathing suits!  Now, I’ve spent loads of money on bathing suits over the years, mostly on inexpensive/poor quality ones, but I gotta say… the suits I have loved the most were the pricier ‘name brand’ ones.  They tend to fit better, are more comfortable, they last forever, and certain brands ALWAYS have adorable prints & cuts.  Roxy (fave), Volcom, and Hurley seem to fit my body a bit better than any other brands.  Luckily, I knew ® Dick’s options would not disappoint me!

So. Many. Choices. Hubby-Kid… I’ll be here awhile.  Go fend for yourself.


Told ya… prints and cuts are SO darn cute with these ‘beachy active’ lines!  They have the latest styles and a nice selection for a variety of body types.  Teeny tiny string bikini’s, board shorts, tankini’s.  Can you guess which one I ended up going with???  The moment I saw it, I already knew this was the one for me.  Fun print and it fit like a glove!  I cannot wait to be lying down on those beautiful Hawaiian beaches!


So. Excited.

After trying on at least 6 bikini’s and settling on my suit, it was time to find the family!  While on my way to the girls section to find my daughter, I tried my hardest to avoid the shoe department.  I’m a girl, what can I say.  I’m a sucker for shoes, especially tennis shoes.  I’m pretty sure I have nearly every color in the rainbow and to me… the brighter, the better!  ®Dick’s is definitely our store of choice when it comes to buying athletic shoes because there is always SO many options… for the ENTIRE family!  However, on this particular shopping trip I put my blinders on with tennis shoes but did have to grab a new pair of sandals!


I’ve been wanting these particular ‘Rainbow’ leather sandals for at least 2 years now.  It was finally time…


Before locating my husband, I had my daughter help me weed through the women’s clearance section at ®Dick’s.  I’m always guaranteed to find at least one article of clothing thats been drastically reduced.  Always.  This shopping adventure was no different.  I scored on an adorable pair of bikini bottoms for under $12!!!  Seriously.  Next time you are at Dick’s, do NOT forget to swing by ALL of the clearance sections.  Great deals and good variety!


OK, enough for me (for now).  I guess this family shopping trip needs to include the others!  The only thing my daughter really really needed was a new pair of black compression shorts for volleyball.



Typically we go for the Nike Pros but today we actually found an even better option for her!  And the BEST part… These Reebok compression shorts were on sale for under $13!  Yes, yes, yes!!!  Another reason why both my husband and myself will be going for the Reebok shorts is because they are a bit longer on her than the Nike’s.  I’m not sure if you are familiar with girl’s/women’s volleyball, but they basically wear tight underwear on the court lol!  Fine for the other girls, not fine for us 🙂  The more coverage, the better for our little one!



And check my beautiful girl (in her new shorts) that we got just in time for her most recent volleyball tournament.  She’s small & sweet, but an animal on the court!  Here she is mid dive saving a shanked ball…

dicks sporting goods 19

My little rockstar.

I may enjoy all the sections of ®Dick’s, but weights will always & forever have my heart.  I may not be lifting anywhere like I used to (nor will I ever be able to again), but any chance I have to grab a dumbbell… I’m going to take it!  I definitely can’t leave the store without some iron love!!!


And this little one can’t leave the store without hopping on some equipment!  Elliptical is her stationary cardio option of choice apparently!


Shopping 95% complete…

I’ve talked about our adoration for all things Hydro Flask many times before.  Hands down, its our favorite water ‘bottle’ ever.  My husband actually discovered the products a few years ago and after he bought one for himself (that I ended up stealing), we invested in 3 other bottles.  We now own 4 bottles in various sizes that we purchased online, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that Dick’s was carrying them as well!


Not only are these SUPER sturdy & durable, but they keep the liquid ice cold (or hot depending on your beverage).

True Story: My husband is a police officer and sometimes he has SWAT training during the day.  On one occasion it was at least 95 degrees out and he had his Hydro Flask in the patrol car with the windows up and sun blazing all day.  When he got into the car at the end of his 10+ hour shift, he went to grab his bottle for a drink and the outside was scalding hot.  He almost couldn’t even pick it up!  When the top came off he expected his iced tea to be warm/hot but low and behold… it was still ICE COLD!  Seriously. There was still ice floating around everywhere. It was as if the tea was freshly brewed and poured over ice!!!

The BEST water bottle you will ever have.  Obviously, I had to buy another one 🙂  I went with the 21 ounce bottle and it’s been perfect for me during my daughters volleyball games/practice, running errands, and short walks.  Personally, I think this one is my favorite size!

And last but not least for this Dick’s shopping excursion… my husband can never make it out of the store without buying a shirt.  No idea why he needs 50 of the same style shirt (collared, blue or gray or blue & gray), but whatever.  No matter how many times I tell him to get adventurous with his clothing, he continues to have the same boring stuff on.  Men.  You can see from our daughters face that she’s thinking the SAME thing as me :).  “Seriously daddy?  Another one?”


Upon checkout, my husband also can’t help but touch all the deadly things.  Why on earth he would need a machete?  I have no idea.  He’s convinced that it would be a great addition to his duty belt at work.  I don’t think SDPD would agree!!!  No honey, you do not need another knife!!!  Move along.  Let’s get out of here before we go broke!


Another successful family trip to ®Dick’s and this time I wasn’t the only one leaving with goodies!!!


Now who else is ready for a shopping trip to ®Dick’s???


As I said we are giving away a $50 gift certificate for one of my lucky readers!  Rules are simple:

  • Leave me a comment on this post letting me know what you would buy for yourself OR someone in your family

  • Entries must be made by May 6, 2016 (11:59pm)

  • Winner will be chose at random and contacted by me on May 10, 2016

DISCLAIMER: this post is sponsored by Vocalpoint and ®DICK’s Sporting Goods. All opinions expressed are my own.

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  • Reply
    Melanie Zimmerman
    April 29, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    My daughter is the lacrosse goaltender as well as for ice hockey the rest of the year and I can’t believe how little protection she has in the net for lacrosse. I really want to get her a pair of pads that a catcher would use for baseball to cover the tops of her feet at least.. can you imagine how hard those rubber balls must feel bouncing off her toes in sneakers?!! I have been wanting to get to Dick’s soon to get her a pair.

  • Reply
    Lindsey B
    April 29, 2016 at 1:08 pm

    I really really really want to buy a pair of more supportive sporty sandals. I’m still wearing my old adidas ones (the kind with the little massaging bumps) from college and over half of the bumps are gone.

  • Reply
    Amy Stiens
    April 29, 2016 at 1:40 pm

    OMG, what I wouldn’t buy @ Dicks Sporti g goods is the question. I love your saddles that you picked out for yourself. It looks perfect for KY summers. I also love the suggestion for the water bottle. I love hearing good reviews about products and this seems to have great reviews! My daughter also plays volleyball and she would LOVE those shorts as well! My family and I love to go shopping at Dicks. With all 3 of my children playing sports and myself exercising on a daily basis, I know we would find so many amazing things @ Dicks! Thanks so much! I hope your feeling better. I’d love to know how your doing. How about a post on how you are? Take care!

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 2:48 pm

    My spouse is in the military so I think I would buy my spouse a really nice, sturdy water bottle that you mentioned above. There is always training, being in the field, on the range. I always buy water bottle but they crack, don’t hold up, don’t keep the contents cold for a tired Marine.

  • Reply
    Lindsey Jewart
    April 29, 2016 at 2:50 pm

    Great finds on your trip! I need new cross-training shoes and a good jump rope.

  • Reply
    Kelly @ Turned UP To Eleven
    April 29, 2016 at 2:57 pm

    I would love to get a new life jacket for myself – and it would be a bonus if they were BUY ONE GET ONE FREE like they were a few years ago when we originally purchased our kayaks!

    I love Dick’s Sporting Goods – we have a small one here in Alabama, but back home in Rockville, Maryland they have a huge store like this one and I love it!

  • Reply
    Linda Treleven
    April 29, 2016 at 3:29 pm

    We shop at Dicks all the time. It used to be quite a drive and recently one opened up just a few miles away. I recently started a serious fitness journey so I’ve frequenting Dicks quite often, especially to build a nice collection of workout clothes. Now that it’s getting warmer, I need to start getting capris or shorts!

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 3:45 pm

    Dicks is one of the stores that I could walk around in for hours!!!! So many options and so many great deals!!! One thing I would buy is some new sports bras!!! I never seem to want to splurge on them when i’m purchasing workout clothes! But it is definitely time for an upgrade!

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 4:05 pm

    If I had a 50 dollar gift card I would purchase new workout gear and shoes!

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 4:11 pm

    For my kiddo in college would love for her to start being fit and would be nice to have nice gear to start her with ?

  • Reply
    Shauna Cole
    April 29, 2016 at 4:11 pm

    What a cute family you have! I wish we had a Dick’s sporting goods where I live. Looks like a fun store. I would buys tennis shoes for my son or a swimsuit for myself.

  • Reply
    Sarah Dodson
    April 29, 2016 at 4:14 pm

    We love this store!! I was just telling my son for his birthday he should ask for a whole box of Elite’s. That boy loves his socks! With this gift card I could definitely make that happen.

  • Reply
    Jacqualyn H
    April 29, 2016 at 4:19 pm

    I would invest in t ball equipment for my 5 year old. He just started and is so excited.

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 4:24 pm

    I would buy my husband a new pair of shoes 🙂

  • Reply
    Sarah Szymkowski
    April 29, 2016 at 4:25 pm

    I would buy Nike running tights with a drawstring for my next spartan race. Muddy tights don’t stay up well during burpees, so I need something that will cinch in the waist!!

  • Reply
    Ryan Montero
    April 29, 2016 at 4:29 pm

    I started training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu about 9 years ago. I got my middle child, Leah Rose (now almost 6), into it over 2 years ago. Xander, my now 4 year old joined us about a year ago. Not too long after that, my wife Naira started practicing “the Gentle Art” with us. After years of nudging and gentle reminders, I finally got my oldest, Tianalyce (9), to start training. Now we can train this martial art as a whole family and I think that is just beautiful. I would use the money to buy the kids some compression gear/rash guards to use for our training sessions. That way, when we are all together, they get a chance to show their individualism at the same time.

  • Reply
    Michelle E
    April 29, 2016 at 4:35 pm

    I’d love to try out something from the Calia line! Or just peruse the clearance LOL You scored some really good things!

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 4:44 pm

    I would love to by my boys a kicking target for Tae Kwon Do. I think it would get double duty at our house for me to use for a few rounds of boxing.

  • Reply
    Liz S.
    April 29, 2016 at 4:44 pm

    I would buy a new pair of Nike sneakers for myself, for my very active lifestyle.

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 4:48 pm

    We just got a Dick’s in town. I would love to win the giftcard so I could get my husband new tennis shoes.

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 4:57 pm

    Oh..I love your picks! I workout at home, so would love to put it towards something for a home gym. This is a hard choice, maybe a weight bench.

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 5:39 pm

    I would buy my daughter some new soccer cleats! That match her club team colors!

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 6:15 pm

    I would get a bosu ball to help elevate my workouts and train my stabilizers!

  • Reply
    April 29, 2016 at 6:21 pm

    Definitely could use a new bathing suit and some running shorts! Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Reply
    Amanda O
    April 29, 2016 at 6:47 pm

    Love Dick’s Sporting Goods! Never heard of that water bottle before and now I am intrigued. I have been using the most banged up half my top missing water bottle it is time for a new one! I would love a Hydro Flask and some new sport bras! Thanks for the give away!

  • Reply
    Cheryl Davis
    April 29, 2016 at 7:39 pm

    I would by workout gear for myself of course!!

  • Reply
    Wendy Page
    April 29, 2016 at 10:22 pm

    Would totally go for a decent pair of athletic shoes so I don’t have a repeat stress fracture!

  • Reply
    Lisa S
    April 29, 2016 at 10:50 pm

    Thanks for all the great info about the stuff you found there. I would get my kids a trampoline or some new swim gear or basketball.

  • Reply
    Lynn Garofalo
    April 30, 2016 at 12:11 am

    I would get my husband a new running rain jacket! A year ago I wasn’t running 5 minutes without a short walk in between. Now we are running our 1st 10 mile run! He is my rock, support system, my everything. So I would treat him!

  • Reply
    April 30, 2016 at 2:00 am

    I would buy my husband a pair of Under Armour Men’s Street Encounter II Recovery Shoes

  • Reply
    Krissie E
    April 30, 2016 at 2:51 am

    I would buy a Texsport Wilderness Hammock.

  • Reply
    April 30, 2016 at 2:59 am

    I LOVE Dick’s sporting goods!!! I’ve got my eye on some reebok shorts for my next Spartan race, so I would definitely get those, and maybe a kettlebell…or a cute top….Or some stuff for my SAR pack….the possibilities are endless!!!

  • Reply
    April 30, 2016 at 2:14 pm

    Ahh I love dicks sporting goods! I’m addicted to fitness clothes & gym shoes! So I would put that gift card to use on that 🙂 thanks for the opportunity to win!

  • Reply
    April 30, 2016 at 5:44 pm

    Someone literally swiped my new hydroflask at my gym, so I would buy another! And put my name on it in big, bright letters 🙂

  • Reply
    April 30, 2016 at 8:27 pm

    I would buy my mom some yoga gear! She has found yoga later in life and i am so proud of her for sticking with it and continuing to grow everyday. <3

  • Reply
    April 30, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    I would get a pair of running shoes for myself.

  • Reply
    Laurel E
    May 1, 2016 at 1:48 am

    Baseball stuff for my 11 year old!

  • Reply
    Kristi S
    May 1, 2016 at 2:41 am

    I’d love to try something from Caila – all the pictures I’ve seen look great!

  • Reply
    May 1, 2016 at 6:09 am

    We are getting our first Dicks Sporting Good and I need to get a new pair of shoes!

  • Reply
    May 1, 2016 at 11:02 pm

    Great post! I would get some new running apparel.

  • Reply
    Marcia Goss
    May 1, 2016 at 11:08 pm

    I would probably give this to my daughter. My granddaughters play softball and are always needing new equipment.

  • Reply
    Sarah DeVore
    May 2, 2016 at 11:30 pm

    I’m going to Hawaii with my husband for our 15th anniversary soon! I would buy either a new swim suit or a cute cover up!?

  • Reply
    Sarah Hayes
    May 3, 2016 at 1:16 am

    Id love to buy a weight set! Ive been wanting to start lifting for a long time and I feel like now is a great time to start. I think it will help me reach my goals more than any other kind of training

  • Reply
    Kim Tierney
    May 3, 2016 at 3:26 am

    Oh man! I would DEFINITELY use the gift card to buy my mom some activewear for Mother’s Day! She’s been wanting to get some new apparel or new sneakers and this would be the perfect opportunity!! <3

  • Reply
    May 3, 2016 at 10:40 am

    My daughter plays volleyball too so I definitely feel ya on those short-shorts! Would love to pick up a pair of those longer cut ones for her (plus a few Nike tanks for myself…)

  • Reply
    May 3, 2016 at 5:03 pm

    I would definitely get a new pair of Rainbow sandals for the summer! Mine are looking a little rough right now!

  • Reply
    May 3, 2016 at 5:51 pm

    We have a home gym as well and I have been eyeing a bicycle trainer. I would definitely take a look at those at Dick’s! And, I always have to peek through the clearance rack, too. 🙂

  • Reply
    May 3, 2016 at 6:47 pm

    My husband is also getting into knives! It probably wouldn’t help if I added to the collection, but it’s his birthday tomorrow, so it couldn’t hurt! 🙂

  • Reply
    May 5, 2016 at 5:18 pm

    Your post made me want a Hydroflask water bottle – so that would be the first thing on my shopping list!

  • Reply
    Marci Kucharyson
    May 6, 2016 at 3:06 pm

    I would love to buy myself a new sports bra! Most of mine are loosing their elasticity. Thanks for this giveaway!

  • Reply
    May 6, 2016 at 9:30 pm

    I would buy a new swimsuit for my upcoming trip to Punta Cana!

  • Reply
    May 6, 2016 at 11:13 pm

    My family loves Dicks Sporting Goods too! Right now I think we would add to our weight room with some free weights or maybe a medicine ball or kettle bell.

  • Reply
    May 7, 2016 at 2:33 am

    Oh I would love to buy soccer cleats and a soccer ball for our little one who will be starting soccer soon. I really love those sandals you picked! So cute for summer!

  • Reply
    May 7, 2016 at 3:09 am

    Love, love, love Dicks sporting goods!! I’m a mom with all boys and dicks sporting goods is always a #1 store for them. I have really been wanting to purchase the fitness gear squat rack to go with my fitness gear bench.
    Love the new swim line!

  • Reply
    Amanda Reed
    May 7, 2016 at 3:18 am

    It’s time to restock my stash of golf balls and get a new glove.

  • Reply
    Jennifer petrie
    May 7, 2016 at 3:37 am

    I would definitly buy some new workout gear or a cute bathing suit. Love, love, love the prints!!

  • Reply
    Carli Allen
    May 7, 2016 at 3:55 am

    Your recipes sounds wonderful!
    I’d love some new shoes, a new swimsuit, new weights, new workouts clothes — any of those items would be on my Dick’s shopping list.

  • Reply
    Candice Aguirre
    May 7, 2016 at 4:26 am

    This is so cool. I love your IG page and blog I would get some gym shots and the water bottle you mentioned.

  • Reply
    click here
    October 1, 2018 at 3:07 pm

    MELANIE ZIMMERMAN – My daughter is the lacrosse goaltender as well as for ice hockey the rest of the year and I can’t believe how little protection she has in the net for lacrosse. I really want to get her a pair of pads that a catcher would use for baseball to cover the tops of her feet at least.. can you imagine how hard those rubber balls must feel bouncing off her toes in sneakers?!! I have been wanting to get to Dick’s soon to get her a pair.Reply

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