breakfast/ Fit Kids/ Gluten Free/ Meal Prep/ Muscle Egg/ Protein Powder

Kids Breakfast and Lunch Ideas 2016/17: Week 8

October 18, 2016
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‘Make ahead PUMPKIN PIE BREAD PUDDING and prepped daily school lunches will change your life!  A healthy start everyday with a balanced kids breakfast and fueling nutritious lunches!’

Still a week behind with my daughters breakfast prep and lunch ideas, but WILL be caught up in the next few days!   I figured with back to back home made healthy AWESOME-ness I have going on these past two weeks… you’ll forgive me.  Aside from a 1-2 days where I was out of commission, I’ve been feeling great!  When I’m feeling great I’m active, exercising, energized, and feel like I can take on the world.  Well the world may be a stretch, but I do end up finding myself in the kitchen much much more preparing meals, food, and recipe developing.  With pumpkin season upon us and a daughter who loves bread pudding (all things that involve BREAD actually), this new recipe was an easy choice for breakfast prep!  I present to you…

Pumpkin Pie Bread Pudding


This also happens to be a gluten free version, but if you do eat wheat you can easily swap out the gluten free bread for a loaf of French bread, challah, or whatever bread you love.  While my daughter does NOT keep a gluten free diet, I started to about a month ago for new health issues (will go more into detail about that soon).  Since I knew this recipe would be more than what Makena needs in her breakfast, I decided to make a version that I could happily enjoy myself as well!


What a glorious decision.  There was no way in hell I would be able to resist at least one serving so instead of torturing myself, gluten free it is.  Luckily my daughter was nonetheless wiser and loved it all the same!  Really though.  Whats not to love?  Do we see those edges, the loads of pumpkin spice flecks, and that texture?  Perfection.


What’s even better is that this bread pudding version is far more nutrient dense than traditional ones that are loaded with sugar and have minimal protein.  This one though?  LOADED with protein and fiber which will help with staying fuller longer!  I love recipes that have balanced nutrition!!!  If its important for YOU, then it should be equally important for your KIDS (even more so if you ask me).  So here we have WEEK 8 of breakfast prep for my #1 girl (and some snackage for myself)…


I paired a portion of the pumpkin bread pudding with some cantaloupe and sausages for variety and more FUEL for the day!  When morning arrives and its time for Makena to eat, we can grab the container from the fridge, remove the cantaloupe, microwave the bread pudding and sausages, drizzle on some maple syrup, and then return the cantaloupe!  Breakfast served in under 1 minute with barely any effort at all.


Guys, the edges on the bread pudding are soon perfect!  My daughter prefers the soft, squishy center but not I… the top and corners of bread pudding are life (I’m a center portion girl for brownies)!  The flavor is so much more concentrated on the crispy bits… mmmm.  Mouth is watering!  Luckily after I portioned out Makena’s servings, I had enough to stuff my face for a couple of days as well.

Check it…


And a little extra maple syrup to bring it all together!  You won’t need much at all because the bread pudding is plenty sweet enough on its own.  The syrup really just pulls the flavors together and gives it a bit of extra moisture.  If its good enough to top your pancakes and waffles… it’s good enough for bread pudding!


That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!  Pumpkin Pie Bread Pudding with maple syrup… yeah, this was an extra special breakfast prep for me and my girl.  So much YES here friends!  Such an easy recipe that only takes a handful of base ingredients (bread of choice, eggs, egg whites, protein powder, milk of choice).  It’s a great option for weeks you want to make something homemade, comforting, delicious, AND easy to boot!  Hooked on protein bread pudding!!!

And with a switch of gears (but still thinking about pumpkin pie bread pudding), here were Makena’s lunches the week before last:


turkey sandwich, Chez Its, hummus, carrots, and cucumber

Meal & Food Prep For Kids


Leftover Italian meatball sandwich with provolone/parmesan, popcorn, pear, and Glutino chocolate wafers

Meal & Food Prep For Kids


Chickpea pasta salad with chicken, red cabbage, carrots, celery, and homemade Italian dressing, grapes, Veggie sticks, Annie’s chocolate chip cookies

Meal & Food Prep For Kids


Leftover chicken chickpea pasta alfredo, mixed berries, carrot pieces, and chocolate chip Snackimals

Meal & Food Prep For Kids


Salsa chicken salad, carrots, pumpkin tortilla chips, and strawberries

Meal & Food Prep For Kids

That’s it for this week friends!  See you in a few days when I post WEEK 8 and I’m officially caught up with this breakfast/lunch series.  Happy Tuesday, make it a great one and be thankful for all of the blessings in your life… I have no doubt there are many (even if you can’t find them, dig deeper!)!!!


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Pumpkin Pie Protein Bread Pudding

Serves 9
Prep time 5 minutes
Cook time 40 minutes
Total time 45 minutes


  • 2 Large whole eggs
  • 1/2 cup "Pumpkin Spice" MuscleEgg egg whites (or replace with 2 whole eggs)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice
  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin
  • 1 scoop "Snickerdoodle" PEScience protein (30% OFF coupon below)
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin spice
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 loaf of bread (I used Glutino gluten free)


Step 1
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and coat a 9x9 pan with non stick spray. Cut bread into 2" pieces and place in greased dish.
Step 2
In a large bowl or blender add eggs, egg whites (or extra eggs), milk, extract, spices, and protein. Mix until well combined. Pour over bread pieces and let sit for 2-3 minutes ensuring each piece is soaked with liquid/batter.
Step 3
Bake for 35-40 minutes until edges are browned and crisped. Serve warm with maple syrup... and ice cream if you like 🙂


NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION (makes 9 servings): calories- 158, fat- 6 grams, carbs- 19 grams, protein- 7 grams PER SERVING

PEScience Protein


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  • Reply
    February 1, 2017 at 11:35 pm

    Could you omit the protein powder or replace it with something else?

    • Reply
      February 4, 2017 at 6:00 pm

      You could omit it if you like! Just add a bit less milk/liquid!

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