desserts & baked goods/ Low Carb/ Protein Powder

PB & J Blondie Cookie Cups

March 11, 2015
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There is no denying that I probably eat the most “healthy” and balanced in my family.  I eat a ton of veggies and whole nutrient dense foods every single day (mixed in with Oreos, popcorn, ice cream, and whatever else I want in moderation of course).  My kids (and husband) on the other hand don’t get too adventurous with what they eat, they don’t enjoy trying new things, they eat vegetables because I make them, they loath anything that is considered a “superfood”, and are pretty darn boring when it comes to their meals if you ask me.  Obviously, I’m in the kitchen whipping stuff up A LOT and it’s usually larger servings when I’m making something for the blog, especially when it comes to baking.

Even though I try my best not to waste food, there are times that I either forget I made something because its shoved so far back in the fridge OR I don’t get things in the freezer as fast as I need to so thing just end up spoiling.  Most of the time, I will make 1-2 larger baked good items a week on Sundays when I do food/meal prep and those I can finish on my own throughout the week, no problem.  However, there are times I go on a baking rampage and make an additional 2-3 large batches of things during the week.  These are the times I know for sure food will be inevitably get tossed in the trash.  Doesn’t happen often, but more often than I care to admit.  I HATE wasting food… I swear.  I’m the girl who get s strange thrill when I use the last little bit of something and can toss the empty package into the recycle bin.  So, yeah, wasting food is not really ok with me (even though I fall victim to it often).

To remedy some of these wasteful times of mine, I thought it might be a good idea to make smaller batches of things VS. the 12-24 servings I would normally make when baking.  If a new idea pops into my head or I’m inspired by something I saw on Pinterest, instead of doing a full batch recipe, it would make much more sense to test things out and do a smaller batch, at least to start with.  Also, sometimes it’s just nice to know that I have my own little treats waiting for me that I don’t HAVE to share with anyone in the house.  I’m highly selfish with my food by the way.  So, in addition to my “Under 5 Ingredient” series I just kicked off, I am also going to be adding a “Made Just For You” series that features simple, more personal serving sized dishes and treats!

Single ladies, women who don’t like to share, and/or mommy’s that have very picky eaters in their households who won’t touch your food anyways?  This series is definitely made for you and today I have a WINNER of a treat… Peanut Butter & Jelly Blondie Cups!

But really though, can peanut butter & jelly ever be wrong?

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OPTIONAL crispy sugar cookie center if you wish…

I wish.

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No muss, no fuss.  “cooking” time was less than 5 minutes and the hardest part was waiting for them to set so I could eat one!  I used an optional Sugar Cookie center but you don’t have to get that adventurous!  I’m pretty adventurous though…

Sweet It Vita Fiber can be purchased HERE!

If you are interested in receiving 30% OFF on Blondie Select protein or any other PEScience products, use my code CORINA at checkout on

PB&J Blondie Cookie Cups

Serves 3
Prep time 5 minutes
Cook time 10 minutes
Total time 15 minutes
Meal type Dessert, Snack


  • 1 tablespoon Sweet It (Vita Fiber)
  • 1 scoop Pescience Blondie Select protein (30% OFF coupon above recipe)
  • 2 tablespoons PB2 or other powdered peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup milk of choice
  • 3 tablespoons 0% Plain Fage Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons Reduced Sugar Grape jelly (I used Smuckers Concord Grape)
  • 15 drops Berry Sweet Leaf Stevia (or sweetener of choice)


  • 3 sugar cookies (I used ones purchased from Sprouts)


Step 1
In a small bowl, place Sweet It Vitafiber and heat in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. Remove and stir in protein powder, powdered peanut butter, and milk. Mix well until thoroughly combined. Divide mixture into 3 silicon molds, press in evenly. Add 1 cookie on top of mixture (optional).
Step 2
In a small bowl, mix Greek yogurt, jelly, and stevia until combined. Divide and mixture into the 3 molds on top of cookie (or protein mixture).
Step 3
Place in freezer for 15-20 minutes until ready to serve. You can store them in the freezer as well and once you are ready to eat 1 (or all of them), let thaw first for 5-10 minutes.


NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION (makes 3 cookie "cups"):
(WITHOUT added cookie) calories- 84, fat- 1 gram, carbs- 11 grams, protein- 11 grams
(WITH added cookie) calories- 139, fat- 5 grams, carbs- 17 grams, protein- 11 grams

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  • Reply
    May 16, 2015 at 9:29 pm

    Hi! Sorry if this is a dumb question but…is the VitaFiber the syrup or the powder? I’m guessing syrup but just wanted to confirm before I ordered any! Thx.

    • Reply
      May 18, 2015 at 4:08 pm

      I use the syrup most!

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