Protein Powder/ Snacks/ Supplements

Mint Chocolate Chunk Protein Popcorn

May 7, 2015
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Very excited to announce that after over a year long hiatus, I have brought Quest bars back into my DAILY diet!!!  At some point early last year when I was continuing to work through stomach/digestive issues, I was under the impression that the bars or certain ingredients in them were causing me problems so I stopped eating them completely.  I was seriously devastated.  These bars were always my “go to” quick, easy, grab & go snack (perfect for anyone constantly running around)… not to mention they are absolutely delicious.  Great macros, lots of fiber, a wide variety of stores carry them so they are easily accessible, and did I mention they are delicious?  Yup, I was so sad.

However, after months now with ZERO stomach issues whatsoever AND narrowing down the handful of things that actually do upset my stomach, I felt adventurous one day while grabbing a few things at my local GNC.  The Quest bars were always taunting me when I was in there and normally I try to put on blinders, just grab what I need, and avoid the long line of yummy Quest bars, but this time was different.  I decided to put on my big girl underwear, grab my all time favorite “White Chocolate Raspberry” flavor, and see how my stomach handled it.  I was hesitant and cautious, but crossed my fingers.

That first day I started out with only a couple of small bites because I was totally convinced I would end up with a stomach ache (pain, bloating, gassy feeling).  Had no issues.  Next day, I ate about 1/3 of the bar.  No issues.  Third day, I ate the remaining bar.  NO PROBLEMS whatsoever!  I was already absolutely thrilled!!!  Still hesitant to grab any full boxes at that point, but hopeful that I would soon be able to fully reintroduce the bars.  On my next trip to GNC, I grabbed a few more favorites (cookie dough, cookies & cream, and apple pie to be exact).  I ate about 1/3-1/2 a bar each day and at that point I knew for sure my stomach was good to go with my Quest bars!!!  I definitely took advantage of the Groupon deals that have been available lately and thrilled that my GNC runs an AWESOME promotion for the bars (only $19.99 for a box between the hours of 12-3pm).  Crazy good deal huh?!  Pretty sure it’s the BEST deal you will ever see on the bars.

With Quest bars back in my daily life, I’ve decided that it’s now time to bring them into my own test kitchen for some action!  Eating them on their own is fun, but I don’t think people realize how versatile the bars really are.  So many possibilities!  When I first discovered and started eating Quest bars at the beginning of my journey, putting them in the oven for a few minutes to toast up was about as creative as I got.  Each and every flavor is absolutely amazing this way, but now it’s time to have some fun!

Obviously, when the company announced it’s newest flavor last month “Mint Chocolate Chunk” I was even more excited to play with some recipes.  It’s easily one of my favorite flavor combinations of all time.  I had already seen “procheesecakes” (protein cheesecakes), cookies, and brownies being made with them all over the place so I thought I would get a little more adventurous once my box arrived.

This is what happened…

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Thinking back to when I devoured this batch, I feel like I need a moment of silence… with my head down… and eyes closed.

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It was slightly messy to make and it took me a good 2-3 attempts to get it just right, but I happily enjoyed each test run!

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I mean really.  Look at that glorious mint chocolate chunk coating!

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Needless to say, I will definitely be trying out a few more flavors of my new favorite snack.  Protein popcorn for the win!!!

Mint Chocolate Chunk Protein Popcorn


  • 1/2 Mint Chocolate Chunk QUEST protein bar
  • .5 tablespoon Enjoy Life mini chocolate chips
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon Walden Farm's Chocolate Sauce
  • 2-3 drops mint extract
  • 1 tablespoon PEScience Milk Chocolate protein (30% off coupon below)
  • 1/4 cup popcorn kernels
  • 3/4 teaspoons coconut oil


  • 1/2 tablespoon Andes Mint Chocolate candies


Step 1
Begin mint chocolate popcorn topping by breaking Quest bar into small pieces (roughly 1/4" in size) and placing them on a baking sheet. Carefully broil on high for 2-3 minutes until slightly toasted and firm to the touch **DO NOT WALK AWAY**. These will go from perfect to burnt very quickly while broiling. Remove from oven and let cool 3-5 minutes. They should be somewhat crunchy. Place in a mini food processor and pulse for 15-20 seconds. Set aside.
Step 2
Add chocolate chips, Walden's chocolate sauce, extract, and 1/2 tsp of coconut oil in a small bowl. Heat in microwave for 20 second increments (stir between each) until completely melted and smooth. Slowly stir in protein powder. Mixture will be very thick.
Step 3
Place popcorn kernels in a lunch sized brown paper bag with remaining 1/2 tsp of melted coconut oil. Shake in bag 15-20 seconds to ensure kernels are coated with oil. Fold top edges down 3-4 times. Heat in microwave on high for 2-2 1/2 minutes. 2 minutes and 10 seconds popped mine perfectly.
Step 4
Remove from microwave and pour into a large bowl. Using your hands, work chocolate protein mixture onto popcorn as carefully as you can ensuring you do not crush popcorn. Sprinkle with reserved crushed Quest bar and toss to coat popcorn.
Step 5
Add chopped Andes mint chocolates if desired. Eat immediately.


NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION (makes 2 small servings/1 large serving): calories- 158, fat- 7 grams, carbs- 20 grams/fiber-6 grams= 14 grams NET CARBS, protein- 10 grams per serving.

If you are interested in receiving 30% OFF on Milk Chocolate Select protein or any other PEScience products, use my code CORINA at checkout on

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