desserts & baked goods/ Kodiak Cakes/ Muscle Egg


October 15, 2015
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I’m kind of known to go way overboard with my daughters birthday parties.  You can see pictures of her 6th birthday party HERE and her 7th birthday party HERE.  Despite my begging, my daughter didn’t want actual “parties” for the two following years :(.  8th birthday the family went to Disneyland for a few days and last year we did Sky Zone and a special dinner at Corvette Diner with a few of her closest friends.  Sigh.  This year though, she decided she wanted another birthday party!!!!  YES!!!  I was originally very very excited about because it meant I could go crazy again with decorating, baking, and cooking!  However, in light of the medical stuff I have going on now I have not been able to think about anything else outside of doctors, appointments, treatment, and research let alone planning a big shebang for her.

When it came down to it, I knew I wouldn’t be able to go as big as I have in the past, but still wanted to make sure I put my own special touches on the party!  With proper planning this week, I knew I could still come up with something fabulous for her!  Thank GOD my daughter loves to be in the kitchen AND all she does all day when she isn’t in school is ‘crafting’!!!  I’m limited in how long I can be on my feet now, but knew she would happily pick up my slack!  Once I get things set up and give her instructions for each task, she’s off and running.  Then I just need to check in and oversee it all.  We make a fabulous team, even with me half broken!!!

First up on the baking list were these adorable little guys!  We knocked these out yesterday in no time!


Gah, aren’t they so cute?  Pinterest to the rescue for any and ALL needs!!!!  These were a great option for the party because my daughter was able to make the cookies almost all by herself!  THANK YOU Kodiak cakes for your AWESOME dessert mixes!!!  Absolutely delicious and you only need a few ingredients to whip them up.  We love the Kodiak brand because of the ingredients (100% whole grain, all natural) and the taste is phenomenal!!!

We could have gone with plain chocolate chip “Bear Country” cookies (totally yummy as is), but decided to add a little something extra by way of PEANUT BUTTER!!!!  Ahhh, nut butter.  Makes everything better doesn’t it?  It’s so easy taking a box mix of something and putting your own spin on it to make it unique!

Since I already knew were making these into ‘spiders’ with the Reese’s, it only seemed fitting that the cookies have peanut butter in them as well right???  Just some added peanut flavor with PB2 (powdered peanut butter) as well as a touch of regular crunchy peanut butter and bam, instant extra special boxed cookies!  The chocolate MuscleEgg gives them EXTRA chocolate-y flavor and yumminess!!!


The ‘legs’ are made with melted mini chocolate chips and a little bit of coconut oil.  I put them both in a little bowl and microwaved it in 15 second increments until smooth.  Then just added it to a small zip lock bag, cut off a bottom corner, and had her pipe the legs.  Unwrap a Reese’s mini, pop it on, pipe two dots more of chocolate, and attach the candy eyeballs!  Viola!  Instant adorable!!!

Don’t want to add the extra calories from the Reese’s?  No problem, leave them off!  My husband has already eaten 1/3 of the batch plain and simple just like this!  He said they might be the best cookies I have ever made… again, thank you Kodiak!!!  Moist, chewy, and SO full of flavor!  The ‘chocolate’ MuscleEgg egg whites adds more richness and decreases some of the fat since they are just egg whites (no yolk)!


One fun party dessert down… about 5 more to go!  Party is in T minus 3 days!!!!

Peanut Butter Cup Spider Cookies

Serves 24
Prep time 5 minutes
Cook time 15 minutes
Total time 20 minutes


  • 1 box Kodiak Bear Country Cookies
  • 1/2 cup PB2 (powdered peanut butter)
  • 1/4 cup 'Chocolate' MuscleEgg
  • 3 tablespoons softened unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce


  • 24 Small Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (** OPTIONAL SPIDER TOPPING **)
  • 1/4 cup chocolate chips (** OPTIONAL SPIDER TOPPING **)
  • 1/4 teaspoon coconut oil (** OPTIONAL SPIDER TOPPING **)
  • 48 candy eyes (** OPTIONAL SPIDER TOPPING **)


Step 1
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Step 2
In a large bowl, combine all cookie ingredients (Kodiak, PB2, peanut butter, egg whites, butter, and applesauce. Mix until well combined. Divide and scoop cookies onto cookie sheet. Cookies will not rise much so shape as you like, pressing them down slightly. Bake for 10-11 minutes.
Step 3
Cool completely. To make into spider cookies, place chocolate chips and coconut in the microwave and heat in 30 second increments until melted. Stir between each. Place melted chocolate into a zip lock bag and create "legs". Add unwrapped Reese's on top. Add a little melted chocolate to attach eyes.


NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION (makes 24 cookies): calories- 123, fat- 4 grams, carbs- 20 grams/fiber-2 grams, protein- 3 grams PER COOKIE

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Bethany @ Athletic Avocado
    October 19, 2015 at 12:35 am

    These are the cutest cookies ever!

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