drinks/ Low Carb/ Protein Powder/ shakes & smoothies

White Chocolate Mint Protein Mocha

December 25, 2015
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This is probably the final ‘white chocolate mint’ installment of 2015… and perhaps the tastiest (and easiest) holiday drink ever!  With all of the high carb, high fat shenanigans that will be taking place tomorrow for Christmas I came up with this tasty treat that will help get me ahead in my protein macros early on in the day.  Since holiday food always = LOTS of carbs & fat, I always try to eat protein filled meals before celebrating with family in the evening.  So tomorrow morning, this white chocolate mint protein mocha is exactly what I’m going to drink alongside my lean egg & veggie scramble!

Since I knew I would be photographing this for the blog, I got a little fancy yesterday and added coffee ice cubes (put left over or cold brewed coffee in an ice tray and freeze overnight, easy enough right?).  I had already planned on stirring my Starbucks iced coffee (available at most supermarkets, Walmart, Target) into my protein & milk for my ‘mocha’, but the addition of the coffee iced cubes provides an EASY, extra special touch.  It also adds some more caffeine which is never a bad thing in my book 🙂


  1. Add 8-10 ounces of milk to a shaker bottle (I used unsweetened cashew)
  2. Add 1/2 scoop the newest and YUMMIEST PEScience flavor Select Protein protein: White Chocolate Mint (30% OFF coupon below)
  3. Shake for 30-45 seconds (pour into a glass if you wanna be fancy :))
  4. Add optional coffee iced cubes (optional, but not really)
  5. Stir in 1/4 cup cold brewed or cooled fresh brewed coffee

White Chocolate Mint MochaWhite Chocolate Mint Mocha

I loved watching the coffee cubes melt and they gave the protein “shake” a nice mocha flavor, but adding the extra cold brewed coffee… it’s a must!  I promise!!!

White Chocolate Mint Mocha

Depending on your protein macros and how you like your protein “shakes”, you can vary the amount of protein you add in to make it thicker or thinner.  I don’t really have a problem hitting protein each day (even on a holiday) AND I wanted this to be a fairly thin drink.  Also, for those with a pretty big sweet tooth, you may need to add some extra sweetener.  Honey, stevia, Splenda, sugar… whatever floats your boat, just add to taste!  I chose to add 3-4 drops my new favorite ‘Peppermint Mocha’ Sweet Leaf (my sweet tooth is real folks).  I’ve been using this flavor in my morning coffee for over a month now.  Delicious.  Cannot get enough of it!  This whole line is a great alternative to plain sweetener and ten times better than using regular sugar or honey because it has ZERO calories!  A little bit goes a long way and one bottle will last me at least 2 months.

White Chocolate Mint MochaWhite Chocolate Mint Mocha

If you want to make this drink EXTRA good for you, feel free to blend these ingredient together with some veggies for a simple ‘green’ smoothie!  Baby spinach or another similar mild green would boost the nutritional profile and help get a little fiber in as well!  Shakes, smoothies, and drinks like this aren’t my number one choice to hit my protein each day, but it’s a delicious and quick alternative to a boring serving of meat!!!

30 % OFF White Chocolate Mint Select Protein & ALL other PEScience products using coupon code ‘corina’ at checkout

White Chocolate Mint Mocha
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