desserts & baked goods/ Kodiak Cakes/ Muscle Egg

Espresso Fudge Brownie Bites

March 8, 2016
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Truthfully, is there anything better than coffee & chocolate all rolled into one (or two) delicious healthy espresso fudge brownie bites?  I think not.

Perhaps my FAVORITE flavor combo ever.  Most of the time when I bake chocolate anything, I add in a little bit of fresh brewed, cold brewed, or espresso powder.  Coffee & chocolate are two flavors that just compliment one another like nothing else on the planet.  Coffee will always enhance and bring out the the flavor of chocolate even more.

It’s a win-win situation if you ask me.

Even if you didn’t ask though, consider this a free tip from me to you!!!  Next time you make chocolate fudge brownies, chocolate cake, a chocolate smoothie, chocolate oatmeal, chocolate mug cake, basically chocolate ANYTHING… add just a touch of coffee.  It’s magical really.  You won’t ever go back to plain old, ‘boring’ chocolate!  Adding even just a little bit will be just enough to make people think “Wow, I know these are obviously chocolate but what’s that amazing, delicious, & interesting flavor I’m getting?  I can’t pin point it!  These are extra chocolate-y!”

So yeah, coffee & chocolate.  It’s a good thing.  Now let’s talk about my favorite coffee & chocolate baked good.

Brownies!  Oh, heavenly fudge brownies.

I haven’t met too many brownies that I didn’t want to be BFF’s with.  Thick, dense, chocolate overload.  I’m definitely about that life every once and while.

And anytime I’m having a serious chocolate craving (usually once a month if you ladies know what I mean), one of the FIRST things I grab from the pantry is my Kodiak ‘Big Bear‘ Brownies.  I’m already a big fan of boxed brownies (I actually prefer them to 100% from scratch brownies), but Kodiak is my favorite by a mile.  SO rich & chocolate-y, but not overly sweet like so many other boxed brownies.  Since I was making this batch of brownies for myself (why yes, I do make entire desserts for just me to stuff my face with), I knew I could get away with adding a nice BIG dose of coffee flavor.  The kids and hubby aren’t coffee junkies like myself, so they need things a bit more subtle.  Not me. Bring on the caffeine buddy.

I wanted these to SCREAM coffee & chocolate.

Whole Grain Espresso Brownie BitesWhole Grain Espresso Brownie Bites

And boy, did they ever!!!

The addition of the Starbucks Via sprinkle AND the chocolate covered espresso bean really pack that extra coffee punch.  Such a sweet, simple, and easy addition.  Now I can eat a brownie solo, naked in all it’s chocolate glory, but the little serving of whipped cream on top was the perfect addition to break up the strong espresso and chocolate flavors.  It just gave a nice little extra sweetness.  I also needed something to ‘attach’ the espresso powder to!  Worked out great.

Whole Grain Espresso Brownie BitesWhole Grain Espresso Brownie Bites

Damn, these were good.   Mine.  All mine.  They could be yours too though and I guarantee you will make them over and over again!!!

Espresso Brownie Bites


  • 1 box Kodiak 'Big Bear' Brownies
  • 1 packet Starbuck's Via French Roast
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable, canola, or coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons cold brewed coffee
  • 1 Large whole egg
  • 3 tablespoons Chocolate MuscleEgg
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3-4 tablespoons stevia
  • 24 chocolate covered espresso beans


Step 1
Place can of coconut milk in refrigerator overnight.
Step 2
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and coat a mini muffin pan with non stick spray.
Step 3
Combine brownie mix, butter, oil, coffee, and Starbucks Via in a large bowl. Mix until well combined and smooth. Pour into prepared pan and bake 13-15 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool completely.
Step 4
Open can of coconut milk and remove top layer (this will be almost all solid and opaque). Add to the bowl of a stand mixer and whip on high until fluffy. Slowly add stevia or sweetener of choice.
Step 5
Top brownies with whipped cream, add one coffee bean, and sprinkle with espresso powder if desired.


NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION (makes 24 brownie bites): calories- 104, fat- 3 grams, carbs- 17 grams/fiber- 1 gram, protein- 2 grams PER BROWNIE

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