desserts & baked goods/ Meal Prep/ Protein Powder/ Snacks

Thin Mint Vegan Protein Truffles

November 29, 2013
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When I first realized I was sensitive to most of the whey protein powders that are on the market, I needed to look for other options to supplement with every now and then.  99% of my protein intake always comes from whole food sources (the bulk of it typically includes chicken, 99/1 ground turkey, ground chicken, and trimmed steak), but in all honesty, every now and then I do get tired of my regular proteins and sometimes I really just want to something quick and easy that isn’t “meat”.  Unfortunately, I know that having a full 8-12 ounce whey or casein protein shake will most likely upset my stomach so I only use about 1/2 scoop of my beloved Trutein at night just before I go to sleep.  It is the only protein that I can tolerate AND luckily its the best tasting whey-casein-egg blend I have ever had.  But again, it’s always nice to have other choices available.  Little did I know I would be lead to a plant based option….

As I started to do more research on protein I realized that there was a whole other world of options out there (yeah, I obviously don’t get out much).  I had seen quite a few of my vegan friends using brands like Vega and Sun Warrior but I was not too keen on the taste, texture, and mixability when I bought samples, so those powders were out.  I probably went through about 5 or 6 different brands for shake options and then gave up… nothing I tried compared to the dairy based products I was used to.  I was frustrated and sad but then finally stumbled upon an amazing plant based protein powder that I am absolutely ecstatic about!

Plant Fusion



Plant Fusion proteins have a wonderful nutritional profile and for someone like myself who takes weight lifting and building muscle very seriously, the fact that the product also includes amino acids/BCAA’s is a huge bonus for me.  None of the other vegan and plant based proteins I tried included the amino acids which are essential in preventing muscle breakdown and supporting muscle growth.  More importantly, I have had NO digestive issues whatsoever with Plant Fusion so never have to think twice about the amount I’m consuming at any given time (like I have to with whey protein).  I may not be vegan BUT I simply adore this plant based option for myself.  I’m so happy I didn’t just settle with the idea that because whey bothered my stomach, I didn’t have any protein “shake” options.

The brand tastes absolutely AMAZING, they offer a good variety of basic flavors, and while the texture is a bit different when baked (compared to whey or casein), its actually the PERFECT option to use in the vegan and raw goodies I make!  One of the first attempts using my new powders was a BIG success!  I made these a few months ago and just seeing these pictures again has me in the kitchen soaking my dates and cashews to whip up another batch!  These are the perfect little snack, one I can inhale happily post workout with zero guilt (or an upset stomach).  Simple carbs/sugar, a little protein to repair muscles, very low fat, and amazing flavor to satisfy my sweet tooth… along with a a little fruit on my way out of the gym, these work great to get me home so I can have my big post workout meal!

I really really really adore these and the Plant Fusion is just perfect in them!





Easily one of the best protein “balls” I have made to date!  If you are a fan of chocolate and mint, these are a must!

Thin Mint Vegan Protein Truffles

Serves 12
Prep time 2 hours
Cook time 5 minutes
Total time 2 hours, 5 minutes
Meal type Dessert, Snack
Misc Pre-preparable


  • 10 pitted dates
  • 1/4 cup cashews
  • 2 1/2 heaped tablespoons dark cacao powder
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (** I used Plant Fusion **)
  • 2 tablespoons hemp protein
  • 4 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
  • 10 drops peppermint stevia


Step 1
Soak dates and cashews in warm water for 2-3 hours.
Step 2
Drain dates & cashews. In a food processor, combine all ingredients (reserve 1/2 tablespoon cacao for dusting). Blend thoroughly until a large ball forms and texture is uniform.
Step 3
Scoop by the tablespoon full and form into small balls. Roll each ball in dark cacao powder.
Step 4
Refrigerate to firm up and store.



NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION: calories- 45, carbs- 7 g, protein- 3 g, fat- >1 g

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  • Reply
    December 4, 2013 at 6:17 pm

    Question: I see an ingredient in your recipe called “chocolate protein.” Is there a product called chocolate protein? And where is it sold. Also, chocolate being a strong caffeine substance I have a tendency to shun it. Do you use carob powder? I am a total vegan.

    • Reply
      December 4, 2013 at 6:21 pm

      Hi Ruby! As far as I know Plant Fusion protein is vegan 🙂

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