breakfast/ desserts & baked goods/ Gluten Free/ Keto/ Low Carb/ Muscle Egg/ Nut Free/ Paleo

Coconut Cinnamon Spice Crepes

May 8, 2017
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‘Extra low carb cinnamon spice crepes that are coated and topped with coconut butter are grain free, gluten free, dairy free, and also keto and paleo friendly’

Oh friends, I have an extra extra extra good one for you today.  Now I love multi purpose “meals” and these cinnamon-y, coconut-y crepes are a genius option for breakfast, snack, OR even dessert.  I’d even go out on a limb and say lunch or dinner because with a simple swap of a few ingredients, these crepes can go from sweet to savory in no time!  What’s even more awesome is they are easy to make AND can even work as a food/meal prep option because they store brilliantly.

Anytime you need a quick sweet (or savory) fix, just grab one from the fridge and reheat.  These can also be filled with just about anything you like.  If you aren’t on keto, load them up with fruit or even yogurt.  Me?  I like them either smothered in ghee, homemade nut or seed butter, or one of my current favorite things ever… coconut butter (manna)!  If you switch them over to a savory batch filling with veggies, meat, or even cheese.  Sweet, savory, and regardless of your filling though, these will quickly become a household favorite.

For now though, lets talk about this sweet, coconut-y butter-y dessert…

Keto CrepesKeto Crepes

The perfect amount of fluff.  These are definitely a cross between a traditional crepe and a thin pancake.  Not quite as thin as a traditional crepe, but nowhere like a thick pancake either.  Its the best of both worlds if you ask me.  They fold and roll perfectly and make sure when you cook them you get the lightly crisped brown edges.


My eyes (and stomach) keep gravitating towards  that golden edge on the bottom crepe!

Keto CrepesKeto Crepes

Have I mentioned my love for coconut butter (manna)?


More times than ten.


Nutiva Coconut Manna

Another glorious byproduct of me following a ketogenic lifestyle.  I discovered this beautiful, luscious, and rich stuff about 5-6 months ago.  Same principle as regular nut butters, manna is the flesh/meat of the coconut that has been blended up into a thick, smooth, and creamy type of spread.  It stays family solid though at room temperature or colder, but melts down once heated up slightly.  It’s widely used as a topping, filling, melted/stirred in coffee as a non dairy creamer, used in fudge recipes, blended in smoothies, can be used in a wide variety of baked goods, or my go to use… on a BIG spoon!

I easily go through a jar a week now and my previous affliction with nut butters quickly turned to this as an obsession!  I can’t count the amount of times I have opened my pantry during the course of a day and grabbed at least a spoonful or two (or four).  I’d feel pretty comfortable saying this stuff makes up at least 25% of my fat intake for the day LOL!  So yes, naturally these crepes were lightly coated on the inside with some AND topped with it.  Can’t get enough.

Keto Crepes

Coconut Cinnamon Spice Crepes


  • 1 cup 'Vanilla' MuscleEgg egg whites (or plain egg whites and add more cinnamon and sweetener to taste)
  • 2 Large whole eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 tablespoons coconut flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking stevia or monkfruit
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil (melted)
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice


Step 1
Combine all ingredients into a blender and mix on high for 30-60 seconds until smooth. Let batter sit for 5 minutes.
Step 2
Preheat an 8" pan and coat with butter, coconut oil, or non stick spray.
Step 3
Mix batter one more time and begin making crepes. Pour about 1/3 to 1/2 cup into pan and spread thin by moving pan around in a circular motion. Cook on first side for 1-2 minutes then flip and cook on remaining side for 1 minute until golden brown. Repeat with the rest of batter.
Step 4
Fill with whipped cream and top with coconut butter or syrup if desired.


NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION (makes 6-8 crepes depending on size of pan): calories- 166, fat- 13 grams, carbs- 4 grams/fiber-2 grams, protein- 7 grams PER CREPE

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Christi Davis
    September 21, 2017 at 12:47 pm

    I’ve been following you on Instagram for a few years now. I knew that you had been very sick and that by switching your diet from IIFYM to Keto had helped bring things around for you. I thought about you when doing research on Keto for myself (I am not at all sick, just a former bikini competitor trying to maintain a healthy balance and keep inflammation to a minimum) and so I looked you up…. what an amazing story!! It’s so wonderful that you have been able to help heal your body with food and lifestyle. It’s incredible what the human body (and mind) is capable of. I am not sure if you do a newsletter but if you do, feel free to put me on that list!

    PS. I love the photo of your husband drying your hair. I know it was not a good time for you, but that is a very touching image.

    Christi Davis

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